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View Full Version : slight red hue

Don Trinko
11-29-2007, 08:05 PM
this is not a discus question but I am asking it here because I think I'll get a better answer here.
I have a 20g tank with several angels and cats in it. It has a gravel bottom,fake plants, a power filter, and a sponge filter. The temp is 80. The water has developed a slight red hue. The fish are fine and eating well. The water is clear exept for the red hue. ( no driftwood)
I have several other tanks that are similar but none of them have the red hue. When I do a WC the hue will sometimes disapear but comes back in a few days. The tank lights are seldom on. The amonia and nitrites are 0 , the nitrates are abought 40. I have other tanks with similar water parameters( no, not discus tanks) but theeir color is normal. Any idea what is causing this? Don T.

11-29-2007, 10:18 PM
A couple of my tanks get a red hue after several days of only 20-30% water changes. I'm pretty sure it is due to heavy feeding and suspect Tetra Colorbits. (I stopped with the Colorbits for a couple of weeks awhile ago as I ran out and was only feeding bloodworms and other frozen preparations and it stopped happening. Even the waste composition changed noticeably) A 75% water change clears it again.

Don Trinko
11-30-2007, 10:07 AM
I do feed the color bits but in other tanks also. I'll try somethijng else on that feeding and see what happens. Thanks; Don T.

11-30-2007, 06:27 PM
i have noticed that sometimes after a water change ,useing prime my tank will turn red ,fish seem to be ok after a day or so it clears up

Don Trinko
12-03-2007, 04:35 PM
Well; (sheepish look on my face) I think I solved the mystery! I did a partiol WC today and it looked better. I just looked again and it was back!! When I do a WC on that tank I have to move a chair to get at the tank. A PINK CHAIR! The room light is shinning on the chair and it gives the tank a red hue. Don T.

12-03-2007, 05:27 PM