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View Full Version : What is This???

12-04-2007, 11:26 AM
This is a new one for me so hopefully someone can advise as to what is going on and more importantly what to do!!

Thankfully the problem is with one of my rams and not discus, but still distressing to say the least. She is 5 days out from laying eggs and due to the male being extremely aggressive I had to move her into own lil 5gal tank. All tanks up and running and well established, all params are good temp is good, but she won't close her mouth. Looks to be stuck open and she just sits there at the top not gasping but just hanging around at the top of the tank and won't close her mouth. If I try to feed her she'll chase the food around but since she can't close her mouth she can't draw the food in I guess cuz she don't do well at feeding time.

Anyone ever heard of this?? What can be done to reverse this, I'm affraid she's going to die a slow painful death from not eating, and if thats the case I'd rather ease her suffering and put her down before she's gets too bad.

I went ahead a did the water change per normal today but did add some salt to the tank to see if it would help while waiting for real help here to arrive.

Thanks to any and all for their help and attention to this upsetting matter.


12-04-2007, 11:33 AM
If the female has been fighting with the male (or the other way around) they can sometimes damage themselves and not be able to close their mouth's. I've had it happen a couple of times with angels. Sometimes they will find a way to close their mouth, sometimes not. I have known some people remove the fish and ease the mouth closed by using a darning needle or similar laid across the hinge and gently easing it back. Might work. Good luck.

Tropical Haven
12-04-2007, 11:42 AM
Good idea's Paul, this is a tough situation to take care of.

12-04-2007, 12:46 PM
Well Paul all I can say is...THANK YOU!!!
I can't believe it but it worked!! In all of my 20+ years of fish keeping never have I seen anything like that..nor do I ever want to see it again! But your advice worked and she's currently eating all the bloodworms I can put in her tank...and I'm gonna let her eat all she wants too due to not eating for at least 2 days now. Maybe not all she can eat...I don't want to kill her due to over feeding now.

Thank you again for your help and such a quick and speedy reply! I would love to send some of her babies to ya as soon as they are ready to go, if you would be interested in some baby long finned blue rams, just to let you know how much I am grateful for your help on this matter and as a thank you!


12-04-2007, 12:49 PM
AH crap you're out of the US!! Oh well where theres a will there is a way...I know an importer/exporter maybe he can help!...lol

12-05-2007, 08:18 AM
I'm just glad I could help, but I do appreciate the kind offer. Maybe auction some off and send the proceeds to Al?

12-05-2007, 11:09 AM
No problem!! Anything...I'm just extremely happy to have her back to normal. And she's still doin great...altho I think I spoiled her bit too much with bw yesterday...lol

Thank you again!
