View Full Version : reintroducing

12-07-2007, 06:19 PM
So I have 7 discus 2 pairs i think, both pairs eat the eggs this is because the water is too hard I think. I have the 2 pairs in 55 gallon but there seperated. I have a 60 gallon with 2 confused female pigeon bloods that think they are a pair, there is also a red turq discus that hangs out in the same tank with the pigeons.I just got a 110 gallon corner pentagon acrylic tank, If i add all these discus to it at once i think they are gonna brawl alot. Especially the pigeons they are pretty mean. Any suggestions on how to make this go smoother?

12-07-2007, 06:21 PM
these discus were all together for about a year i seperated them about 3 or 4 months ago

12-08-2007, 05:02 PM
Egg eating pairs will eat their eggs in any water conditions.
Some "tricks" to try are the screen over the eggs, a larger breeding tank or combination of both. A fairly large percent of all discus are poor parents.
Other things that sometimes help are concrete floors to reduce vibrations. A more private location and elevating the breeding tanks to shoulder height.
But some pairs are worthless parents and nothing works.

12-13-2007, 08:25 PM
ok so I put them all in together. All are fine except the two female pigeons that think they are a pair. They are so aggressive its out of control. I ve been through the whole pecking order thing but these two are outrageous, they are already trying to lay eggs after being in the tank for 2 days. Is there anything I can do to ease these two and their domestic partnership? They just wont let anyone rest and they double team every female and male in the tank. I think I might just have to put them all up for sale and start with a new batch I just wont seperate them this time. i think thats where I screwed up