View Full Version : what method?

alan j t
12-19-2007, 01:45 AM
my lfs is ordering me discus
they are going from the delivery truck to my house to my tank
ive never acclimated fish NOT from the lfs
my question is do i float the bag till temp equalizes
then net em out
or floar bag til equalizes then add some water and take some out etc...for an hr then net them out

White Worm
12-19-2007, 02:29 AM
Choice A.

12-19-2007, 09:54 AM
Choice A.

I agree. You want to get them out of the shipping water ASAP.

12-19-2007, 10:20 AM
Choice A..

but a concern....

my lfs is ordering me discus
they are going from the delivery truck to my house to my tank

This is not really an ideal way to get discus... You are involving a 3rd party and it may get complicated if theres a problem...

Since they are being shipped to you...you may want to be the one to discuss with the discus supplier what you expect...just a suggestion.


12-19-2007, 12:46 PM
I would use A too. The shipping water is loaded with ammo sometimes you will see the fins were burnt. You want to get them out of there ASAP.

It may shock the discus a bit if your water parm differ too much from the breeder's but it is still much better than adding water to the bag and leave the discus in the shipping water for hours more than needed.

12-19-2007, 12:49 PM
Is there a reason your taking a chance on the lfs ordering them for you rather than getting them from a known breeder yourself? It's important that you know where/who the fish are coming from. There are exceptions of course but on average a lfs will order the least expensive fish with no regard to the source or the quality. Then, as Al pointed out, what happens if you get the fish home and they aren't what you asked for? or are in bad condition? Are you dealing with the lfs at that point or the original sender? Something to think about.

alan j t
12-19-2007, 04:15 PM
you guys seem very right with your concerns
and i totally agree with you
if there is any doa's im sure hell get me some more
this store only deals with salwater
he used to have fresh and always had discus
i have 5 from him currently in my 55
like my avatar:D