View Full Version : The Night Before Fishmas

12-24-2007, 11:48 AM
It was the night before Christmas, and Santa was humming,
The fish were excited, one even was humming;
The fry were all snuggled in their watery beds . . .
While visions of brine shrimp swam in their heads;
The Cabomba was trimmed and sparkled just right;
Of course the Neons you know, provided the light;
The colorful ornaments--green, red and gold
Green Swordtails, red platies, and goldfish we're told;
A big Silver Angel graced the top of the tree,
It was the prettiest "Fishmas" tree even could be.
And then on the tank top there arose such a clatter . . .
The fish swam 'round to see what was the matter.
Someone was coming, they could tell by the sound--
Then down the filter tube came Santa with a bound!
The stump of a snorkel held tight in his teeth,
And the bubbl es encircled his head like a wreath.
In his furry red wet suit he swam to the tree,
And opened his pack for the fishes to see;
A new hollowed log for the fry to play tag,
Was the very first gift he pulled from his bag;
Cans of flake food were next, brine shrimp and squid,
And a bubbling treasure chest, with the fluttering lid;
New colored gravel, a large piece of slate,
It was obvious now the angels would mate.
Santa hadn't forgotten them . . . He'd filled every wish,
He'd remember each item they put on his list.
Then laying a finger aside his air hose . . .
And giving a nod, up the tube he arose;
But they heard him exclaim as he hopped in his sled . .
Maybe next year I'll bring them a 55 gallon instead!

Merry Christmas everyone !

12-24-2007, 02:06 PM
ha ha or should i say ho ho that was to cute!!

12-24-2007, 03:20 PM
That was good. I enjoyed that. Did you write it?

12-24-2007, 04:03 PM
loved it,

Diamond Discus
12-24-2007, 07:50 PM
Very entertaining!!:D

12-24-2007, 07:55 PM
that was refreshing, thanks:)

12-25-2007, 05:49 AM
Oh no I didn`t write it. A friend from the ACLC ( Pedro Sanchez ) wrote it I beleive. He`s the one that sent it to me. I thought it was cute too so I decided to share it with my fish friends.:o