View Full Version : Metro in food-- how much

Al M.
12-25-2007, 03:05 AM
What is the dosage that I can use of Metro to beefheart I have 250 mg. tablets. how many tablets to ounces of food, I realize that I have to grind up the pills.

Also can I use liquid Prazi in food, if so again what is the ratio of liquid per ounce of food, any help would sure be great....
Al M.

12-25-2007, 06:28 AM
Suggestions for treatment:
Treating Hexamita with Metronidazole. Dosage source of this information, "Discus Fish" by Giovanetti.

This medication can be given in 2 ways:

Method 1: dissolved in a gel food at 1% by food volume = 1gram per 4 oz of food (most aquarium preps use capsules containing 250 mg of powdered metronidazole (http://www.simplydiscus.com/library/disease_medications/medicine_cabinet/metronidazole.shtml)). Personally, I use flake or Tetra Bits as the food here because it is easy to measure, and my fish readily take it. Take the food you will be using and in a small pan add some hot water until it becomes a watery paste, add the metronidazole and then add one packet of Knox gelatin (~7grams). Mix well. Using aluminum foil make a shallow 1" high mold and pour the food mix into this, spread it out so its about 1 - 2 cm thick, and let set in the refrigerator. Next cut it up into smaller squares and store in the freezer. When needed take out one of this small squares and cut it up into to bite size pieces. I use this food for until I see no signs of Hexamita (slimy white feces). Then I repeat in 2 weeks with a 3 day dose to be sure. When using metro it is recommended to do water changes between doses.

Method 2: administered at 250 mg/20 gallons of water (some use 250mg/10gal). It is recommended at 3 treatments, every other day, with water changes in between. The author follows this and then puts the fish on the metro food diet above until I see no sign of Hex.


From the library:)


Al M.
12-25-2007, 11:48 AM
So Arden

Am I correct in assuming that 1 250mg tablet is = to 1 gram?

how bout the Prazi Any sugestions on the liquid form?

Al M.

12-25-2007, 12:08 PM
There is 1000mg in one gram, so 4 - 250 mg tablets = 1 gram

use 4 - 250 mg tablets per 4 oz food

Al M.
12-25-2007, 12:21 PM
Thanks Arden

Your very quick on the trigger....

Now if anyone has A responce for the Prazi I'll be all set....
Thanks again Arden
Al M.

12-25-2007, 01:52 PM
You are welcome:)

Prazi in the food, all I know is dry prazi
(Al's recipe in the library)

Mix 1/2 teaspoon Prazi to 1/4 pound of food. Typically used is beefheart or beefliver ground in a blender and frozen for future use. Two to three feedings every other day should be sufficient.


I always use the prazi in the water (also as that article at 1/4tsp/20 gallons)

I use pure prazi powder from www.jehmco.com (http://www.jehmco.com)
I have not used any liquid form of prazi


12-26-2007, 03:00 AM
i'm pretty sure i have read some warnings on here about using prazi in food.