View Full Version : What the H* Is Going On?

12-26-2007, 08:34 PM
Here is the deal:

For some reason my camera does not download pictures to my computer the way it has for the last 100 years! ( really, 2 )

Why in the hell would programs just change? I use to plug in my camera through the USB cord connected to the camera...then ZoomBrowser would pop up and download all my pictures....

Not any more!!

Nothing pops up, and I have to go into My Computer and turn on my camera then the camera icon pops up under Scanners and Cameras and there is Canon Powershot! I have to click on that and then it takes me to a screen that says Canon Powershot and there are my pictures!

umm...No. This does not work for me:mad:

Why did this change?

I went to Zoombrower to see if I could get the pics off my camera but I can not figure it out!

There is a ghost in my computer......:alien:

12-26-2007, 08:54 PM
Try system restore.:)

12-26-2007, 09:01 PM
Dan, I don't really like to do that....suppose I could ~ I was thinking of un-installing the camera software....what do you think?

I think that something like this happened before but I can not recall if it was the same problem and or what I did about it:o

12-26-2007, 11:03 PM
Restore it to the date when the program worked. Or reinstall the program.

12-27-2007, 12:09 AM
Marie, some programs get corrupted after a while, just uninstall what's left, from the install/uninstall menu, and then do a fresh install.

12-27-2007, 12:17 AM
Marie, some programs get corrupted after a while,

Ya think, Deb? lol! Or hell, just disappear:mad: Thanks, Deb!

Thanks, Dan!

12-27-2007, 01:14 PM
That's just what happened to me Marie. One day, the computer just said that my camera was not attached to the computer. Still have not been able to fix it. Before that, no probs whatsoever! Among other things, I uninstalled and reinstalled, too, but its still not working. :mad:

12-27-2007, 01:23 PM
If the computer has more than one USB port..try the other port.....

I just helped my parents with that exact same problem with their canon powershot.... I had to uninstall the cannon software and reinstall it...the files were corrupt...


12-27-2007, 01:29 PM
Hi Al - hmmm, I have a powershot too. We tried other USB port, a new cable, and I forget what else, and hubby has the Rebel, he gets a different message, that there are no pics in his camera. Very frustrating. My fix it idea is now a hammer. I think that will work very well... :D unless you have any other ideas? (I'm planning on installing the software onto our laptop to see if it works on that). I think I'm also going to do another uninstall/reinstall, just to see. Maybe the first didn't work... and then use the hammer if it still doesn't work!

12-27-2007, 02:54 PM
If the computer has more than one USB port..try the other port.....

I just helped my parents with that exact same problem with their canon powershot.... I had to uninstall the cannon software and reinstall it...the files were corrupt...


Hey, Al ~ I did try another USB port to no avail ~ but this morning when I started my computer I tried to download my pictures like I always do and it worked!

Go figure ~

This is not the first time this has occurred, however ~ I think I will uninstall and reinstall ~ couldn't hurt;) What makes them all of a sudden corrupt?

Thank You!

Connie ~ I hope you figure yours out!

12-27-2007, 03:24 PM
Well, sometimes our computers get a little constipated and you gotta flush them out. You can defrag your drive, restart the computer...that's all I can think of :D

12-27-2007, 04:14 PM
One last suggestion.... If you have any firewall software or malware software installed... it may be the culprit... many times these softwares will block anything that tries to change the system...... and many times the software will try to update via the the web or execute an update..this gets blocked and can result in what you are seeing.

What I would suggest... turn off all firewalls...antivirus, anti spyware or malware programs....disconnect from the net and try to reinstall all the camera software... it may be worthwhile to try the camera again before the software install.....but after shutting down all the security apps.


12-27-2007, 04:34 PM
Okay Al, thanks, I'll try your suggestion BEFORE the hammer.... :computer::smash:

12-27-2007, 04:36 PM
Well, sometimes our computers get a little constipated and you gotta flush them out. You can defrag your drive, restart the computer...that's all I can think of :D

Jose, I've defragged, maybe Epsom would help! :D

12-27-2007, 05:22 PM
maybe Epsom would help! :D

Or a complete 100% wc!!!!!!!!!

A new computer!:D

12-27-2007, 06:31 PM
Or a complete 100% wc!!!!!!!!!

A new computer!:D
Marie, I hate computers now... I just hate them... evil things invented to drive us crazy! :D

12-27-2007, 08:19 PM
Marie, I hate computers now... I just hate them... evil things invented to drive us crazy! :D

I so agree! Unfortunately, I really really really need mine:mad:


( your hammer, babe;) )

12-27-2007, 11:51 PM
I so agree! Unfortunately, I really really really need mine:mad:


( your hammer, babe;) )

Ahhh, I feel sooo much better after looking at your smiley, woman... :D