View Full Version : two dead, not sure what to do now

12-28-2007, 11:17 PM
So i just got home from work to find my two of my favorite 2 years old red melons dead in the tank. A couple others are near the surface ( not gasping) but staring up into space. This is a 90g community tank with plants. Started an immediate water change of 50%, filled back up, and now doing another 75% wc in progress.

Noticed last night the the fins on a couple of my discus were clamped up. But they fed and seemed fine otherwise. I put in some salt last night, but that was it. Couple of my blue diamonds are blacker today, and losing some slime coat. Tested all my water parameter and ph is 6.5, nitrites of nil, nitrates of 10. Ammonia was a little elevated, at 0.1, but in a lower ph tank, i think that is ok. My tank is overcrowded right now as i just sold my 125g tank, and had to move some of my discus from that tank into my 125. So there has been 4 6", 8 4.5-5", and 4 3" discus in the tank for the past 3 weeks. I figured the ammonia elevation is due to the temporary overcrowding. My thoughts are maybe some disease transferred from one tank to the other, but none of my fish in either tank were sick before the transfer. So im at a loss.

Guess we will see what happens after this water change.

12-28-2007, 11:56 PM
Hi You moved something that the resident fish weren't capable of handling.. That NH3 level isn't even worth mentioning.

I think I'd shot gun the tank with F&MG/QuickCure...better safe than sorry


12-29-2007, 03:20 AM
ive hit it with quickcure after the wc. A couple others dont look great. Have to see what they look like in the morning. Thanks Graham.


12-29-2007, 09:38 AM
Hey Chris!! Gosh I have missed you ~ I am sorry about the troubles you are having.:(

Keep us posted and hang in there....


12-29-2007, 01:07 PM
Hi Marie, its been a while. Nice to see people i remember are still here.

So, 3 more dead this morning, total 5 dead now. Whatever is going on is only affecting the discus that were originally in the tank. None of the cardinals, 6 plecos, 3 siamese algaes eaters, or 2 kribensis have been affected. Ive lost 5 out of the 8 discus that were in the 90g before i transfered my discus from my 125g.

The quickcure instructions say to use daily. Do i do wc in between doses, or just keep putting it in. Dosage says 1 drop were gallon, so i use 90 drops each time?

12-29-2007, 01:16 PM
Hi Chris,
I would do 50 % wc daily before each dose. This med might affect the biofilter. (I know it says it won't, but check for ammonia/nitrite)
Sorry to hear of the troubles.
Yes 90 drops. or one level teaspoon (see link) (3 days)

You may want to take the cardinals out as they may be sensitive to the med.

[QUOTE][You moved something that the resident fish weren't capable of handling../QUOTE] I agree with Graham, could be bacterial??


12-29-2007, 02:24 PM
Hi Ardan,
thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, i am down to only one tank, so there is nowhere else to put the cardinals. Will have to take my chances with them. I will watch the levels to make sure the biofilter is unaffected.

12-29-2007, 02:39 PM
Good luck Chris...hope this works before they're all gone on you