View Full Version : Which Type Of Stand Do You Trust More?

12-31-2007, 08:19 PM
I have always used the wrought iron stands for my tanks ~ all sizes, as they tend to be cheaper;)

Having said that ~

I am contemplating my future 125 or 150 gal and they both come with wooden cabinet stands ~ nice looking and all ~

Does anyone think or know if one is more reliable than the other? Do you think that the cabinet/wood based stands tend to be more level as opposed to the wrought iron stands?

I know that the iron stands are more of an eyesore and the wooded ones are more decorative, but as far as endurance, any thoughts?


12-31-2007, 09:05 PM
wood and water don't get along well. the metal ones rust, but wood falls apart.. take the metal a paint it every so offten it will out last the wood...you have to put somthing under the tank if you use the metal one. most of the time the wood ones cover the bottom of the tank..HTH

01-01-2008, 05:33 AM
If the wood stands are built well they will preform and look nicer. Unless your tank leaks the wood stands hold up with no painting because of rust
I have had 10-- 20---30---40--55---75--100 150--180 gallon tanks all on wood stands with no problem.

01-01-2008, 06:03 AM
Marie, you really shouldn't have a problem with the tank you want to get on a wood stand. I do suggest, however, that you place some rubber padding underneath the tank to act as a buffer, leveler between it and the stand. I picked up some rubber workout mats, you know the black interlocking ones you can get in the fitness section at walmart, and cut 2" strips out of it. I then placed these all along where the tank sits. This will help level the tank out on the stand once you begin adding water. I built my stand for my 125 out of a 2x4 frame and solid oak for the facing and have had no issues.

As you said the metal stands aren't as pretty but with a good coat of waterproof paint they should last you longer than the tank. Definitely use rubber padding between the tank and the stand if you go with the metal stand. You can always build a wooden facade to wrap around the stand. I've seen it done this way and if properly done you couldn't even tell.

It's really up to your preference, but if you're going for a display tank, then, the wooden stands are the way to go. If you lived closer, I'd build you one myself that the store boughts can even compare to in regards to sturdiness.

01-01-2008, 10:39 AM
Hi Marie. The wood cabinets look much nicer, and provide hidden storage for supplies. Cabinets that are built to be tank stands are also finished and sealed so you don't really have to worry about the wood getting wet. My wood cabinet is solid oak and was built by a manufacturer of aquariums, Oceanic, to hold a 75 or 90 gal. tank with no problem. (I know it's the same set up you were looking at, only mine is stained black). After being set up for 15 mos. with LOTS of water splashes on it, it still looks as good as new. I just wipe off any water that gets on it. Same goes for the oak floor that it sits on, which is sealed with 3 coats of polyurethane.

As far as levelness, any stand is only as level as the surface it is placed on. My floors are level in my home and I did not bother putting any sort of padding between the tank and cabinet either. If your floors are not level your stand won't be level and I don't see how putting a rubber pad under the tank will help with that, - its the stand itself that needs to be leveled. Home Depot sells shims that can be used to level your cabinet or stand if necessary.

01-01-2008, 10:45 AM
I use both wood and metal. I like the metal because I can put two tanks on the stand which actually seems to stabilize them but the tank being so low makes WC a little more difficult... the gravity/suction is not as strong.
The wood stand that is supporting my 55 feels more stable than the iron stand and I have not had any issue with water damage. If the wood is sealed well it really should not be a big problem (besides the idea is to keep water IN the tank ;) not on the stand!)

Jose... that is a beautiful piece of furniture you built my friend!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!


01-01-2008, 10:53 AM
wood and water don't get along well. the metal ones rust, but wood falls apart.. take the metal a paint it every so offten it will out last the wood...you have to put somthing under the tank if you use the metal one. most of the time the wood ones cover the bottom of the tank..HTH

Hi! I have all metal ones now ~ I have never used anything but, but I was questioning the wisdom of an iron stand for a 125 or 150 ~ I have never had any of them rust and I have flooded my tanks many times!..... nor have I ever used anything under the legs either! Never had a problem in over two years:)

Thank You!

If the wood stands are built well they will preform and look nicer. Unless your tank leaks the wood stands hold up with no painting because of rust
I have had 10-- 20---30---40--55---75--100 150--180 gallon tanks all on wood stands with no problem.

Thanks, Paul! I am going to get the wooden cabinet, but I was sitting here thinking even if they made ( which I found out they do ) iron stands for 125 or 150's, how safe would that be?

But I want the wooden cabinet;)

01-01-2008, 10:57 AM
But I want the wooden cabinet;)

Then that is what it comes down to :) They do look much better! (IMO)


01-01-2008, 11:05 AM
I do suggest, however, that you place some rubber padding underneath the tank to act as a buffer, leveler between it and the stand.

Jose, I have never done this on any stand, due to the reason that when I did, it made the tank un-even! I could never level it out:( I don't have anything under any of my tanks now....just Pergo flooring ~ the hardwood floor look!....so you think I should put something under the 125/150 wooden cabinet when I get it? It will not be on carpet ~ which I like better....

I picked up some rubber workout mats, you know the black interlocking ones you can get in the fitness section at walmart, and cut 2" strips out of it. I then placed these all along where the tank sits. This will help level the tank out on the stand once you begin adding water. .

But... but....lol.....I did something similar once and when I was filling the tank it was soooooooo uneven, Jose, I could see it while I was filling the water!

I built my stand for my 125 out of a 2x4 frame and solid oak for the facing and have had no issues. .

Because you are very good at what you do, babe:)

If you lived closer, I'd build you one myself

And I would let you!:D How cool would that be? I would have the best!

01-01-2008, 11:06 AM
Then that is what it comes down to :) They do look much better! (IMO)


And we always get what we want, right?:D

01-01-2008, 11:12 AM
....so you think I should put something under the 125/150 wooden cabinet when I get it? It will not be on carpet ~ which I like better....

Marie, only put something under your tank cabinet if it is not level. If your floor isn't level, the cabinet won't be either. Is this the same set up that you liked, like mine from Oceanic, in the light oak color? (Then see my post above).

01-01-2008, 11:51 AM
Nice wooden stand definitely looks nicer unless you do something really fancy with the rod iron. If the wooden stand is well built and varnished there should be no problem with water. As for melamine stands, they are not meant to last long and fall apart with time. Once the spot is chosen where you want to place the tank, make sure the stand is checked for plumb. If it is off by just a wee bit I would not worry. Too much and it can put some undue stress on the tank.