View Full Version : Getting fry to eat bbs

01-02-2008, 02:44 AM
Hey Everyone,
I have about 80 fry that are around 5-7 days or maybe even older free swimming (I should probably keep a log) and I'm having problems getting them to accept baby brine shrimp. They are currently with their mother and eating off of her ok, but just ignore bbs when i offer it. The tank is painted white all around except for the front.

Could the tank be the problem? Also, how much bbs should i attempt to feed at the start, just a small squirt, or a bunch and hope that they go after it? I'd also like to add that the tank does not have any filtration since i took the sponge filter out since too many babies were hanging around it and dying. I do 2-3 50% water changes daily though and remove wastes whenever i see it.

Any help would be appreciated.

p.s. sorry for not putting a question mark in the subject line, i know some forums are very strict about this.


Elite Aquaria
01-02-2008, 02:51 AM

If the fry are attached you can put back the filter...I normally start on day 5 by squirting a little on the parent that the fry are attached...This way some of the BBS sticks to the parent. Don't feed to much at one time because it will foul the tank. In a few days you will notice that they start to eat the BBS.

01-03-2008, 08:00 PM
Hi Troy,
At that age and with either of the parents around to feed off they wont be rushing to eat BBS. If you are persistent with it so they are literally bumping into them they will get the idea in a few days.
I doubt anything to do with the tank will be affecting this.


01-03-2008, 09:21 PM
You really need to put the sponge filter back in the tank. If you are feeding bbs now then your tank is going to get foul fast. Keep your wc's and wiping of the tank up. They will start eating them, just keep giving them to um'. Make sure you are feeding freshly hatched bbs in the beginning, they are small (bbs) and easier for the fry to eat. After 24 hrs the live bbs tend to lose there nutritional value so it is best to always have 2 containers going, altering each other.

01-04-2008, 03:22 AM
Thanks for the help guys, the sponge filter is bag in and i am slowly feeding them bbs and keeping up with my water changes. you guys are the best.

Greg Richardson
01-04-2008, 04:28 AM
Use a turkey baster and shoot big blast at them so they have to notice them. All it takes is a few to start eating them and the rest will follow next time and before you know it all be eating them. Do it right before your WC until you get them eating.