View Full Version : Golden Nuggets Suppliers ?

01-02-2008, 07:34 PM
I am getting ready to get six or seven Golden Nuggets L177 and need ideas for reputable suppliers . I hear is not easy to find quality suppliers for this pleco .


01-03-2008, 04:23 AM
Hello Roberto,

The L177 gold nuggets seem pretty common around here. A few of the LFS in my area have them on a regular basis. I know that one of the stores gets them from here: http://www.tfdfish.com/ maybe you can talk your local LFS into ordering some in unless you can make the minimum order size yourself. BTW... the pricelist doesn't have any on it right now but it updates daily and the L177's were on it 2 days ago for $12.50 each I think. It probably won't be long for them to be on the list again...


01-04-2008, 04:38 PM
Which version are you looking for? I just brought in some of the biggest L18's I have ever had.

They just landed Monday so they won't be ready for a couple of weeks.


01-04-2008, 09:10 PM
Thanks Mike and Bill. I have been wanting the L177 with the big spots .
Thanks again for the replies,