View Full Version : Hundred and 25 gallon

01-03-2008, 01:22 PM
Hello all, I have 125 gallon fish tank and I was wondering how many of my discus I could put in their.
They about 5 1/2 inches big. I raced them from lives of bitty babies.
Well anyways I don't know how many of them I can put in their.
All the best KarinS

01-03-2008, 02:02 PM

The rule ive always used is one discus per 10 gallon...so you could have about 12 discus or 13...ive never had a problem with that rule as my discus always stayed happy and healthy even if i add a couple more to a tank...some people may have different answers but this is what i have always done for the past 4 years..

01-03-2008, 03:36 PM
Ten gallons per adult is a general rule.

The number of fish is not based on gallons but based on your feeding and waterchange. You can overcrowd and overfeed but you also have to do more and frequent waterchange.

As an importer I overcrowd all my tanks but i also do 2 -50% waterchanges a day.


01-04-2008, 09:17 PM
I'm impressed by the dedication of discus owners- people who do daily and twice-daily water changes amaze me! I can barely do it once per week. What I'd like to know is what kind of system makes it easy enough that makes it possible to do daily WCs? I have a big tub and I have to do this whole song and dance to get the hot water in and pump the water out of and then into the tank. It's just to big a production for me to believe you others go through all this every day, let alone twice per day. You must have a better way!

I will look for a thread about WC methods, or start one.


01-04-2008, 09:41 PM
I'm impressed by the dedication of discus owners- people who do daily and twice-daily water changes amaze me! I can barely do it once per week. What I'd like to know is what kind of system makes it easy enough that makes it possible to do daily WCs? I have a big tub and I have to do this whole song and dance to get the hot water in and pump the water out of and then into the tank. It's just to big a production for me to believe you others go through all this every day, let alone twice per day. You must have a better way!

I will look for a thread about WC methods, or start one.


I have over 50 tanks and I can do 2 waterchanges daily because all my tanks are on a drain and fill system. All the tanks are drilled amd plumbed to drain directly to the sewer line and i have a refill system to fill all the tank at the same time.

It takes me a hour and a half to do all the tanks.

Dying for Discus
01-04-2008, 10:41 PM
that is...so clever!! :D God I can't wait to be settled down in one spot and customize my tanks like that!!

Darrell Ward
01-06-2008, 01:57 AM
I have a 125 gal. discus tank on drip water exchange. Drips out about 2 gals. per hour, and is automatically refilled via a solenoid valve. I rarely do manual water changes on this tank as it is not overcrowded. Just feed the fish, and vac the waste.

01-06-2008, 02:19 AM
I'm impressed by the dedication of discus owners- people who do daily and twice-daily water changes amaze me! I can barely do it once per week. What I'd like to know is what kind of system makes it easy enough that makes it possible to do daily WCs? I have a big tub and I have to do this whole song and dance to get the hot water in and pump the water out of and then into the tank. It's just to big a production for me to believe you others go through all this every day, let alone twice per day. You must have a better way!

I will look for a thread about WC methods, or start one.


hi deanne i have a 125g and a 50g and soon a 75g i bought 4 28g black plastic rubbish bins with lids and i have these in the porch with heaters and small pumps in each i simply siphon out what i want to from each tank then i fill up from bins with a 1200l/h canister with carbon in to remove clorimines it takes me half an hour to do 50% w/c and within a few hours my bins are up to temp :) the bins are also handy to have incase of any emergency or to house fish when doing major tank overhaul :D

01-06-2008, 11:43 AM
For someone who doesn't want to set up a professional fishroom, there are ways to make changing water pretty effortless.

For my 105 gallon tank, I went out and bought a 55 gallon food grade storage barrel. I cut the top off.

I bought an attachment that allows me to fill the barrel from the shower head in my spare bathroom. It's a 'y' valve so I can also use the shower for.. taking a shower if I want to. :). I ran 1/2" clear tubing from the shower head to the barrel for filling.

I run a heater and an airstone in the barrel and allow the water to heat up and age overnight

I bought a sump pump from Lowe's and 3/4" tubing to run from the barrel to the tank. I attached pvc pipe with a shutoff valve to the end going into the tank so I can just hook it on the side.

I have a Python that I use to drain the tank right out into my yard.

Once the tank is drained I just plug in the pump and refill it from the barrel.

Once I'm done, I roll up the hoses and stash them out of the way. It's nearly effortless and mess free.

I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

01-11-2008, 03:44 AM
Awesome descriptions of wc methods- thanks!!

I have a storage tub on the back step near the 55 gal tank and I run a hose through the living room to the water heater, which is somewhat awkward I must admit. I siphon the water out of the tank while vac'ing and then pump the prepared water in. I doesn't take real long but the hauling and switching of hoses is kind of a drag. The 29 gal is farther from the tub so I get lazy and don't do as many water changes. I know, I'm a bad discus owner. I'd love to have my tanks plumbed!

Someday I'm going to design a killer system and then install a big tank!