View Full Version : oh, rabbit poop--uh, discus poop, here we go again.

01-04-2008, 09:48 PM
Well, it seems the Hole N Head Guard treatment was not an unqualified success, as I now have two discus clearly showing signs of...
well, you tell me...
http://www.wordsink.ca/100_6648.jpg http://www.wordsink.ca/100_6643.jpg

So I am now trying straight metro at 500 mg/10 gallons with the tank temp at 90 (and by morning it'll be 92), dissolved as best I could, using a hand blender in the cup of tank water, distributed after lights out so the med doesn't degrade as quickly.
Right, that's dose 1 out of the way.
Now, some say I need to do this every eight hours for three days (with a large WC prior to each dose.
Some say it's to be done every 24 hours for five days, with a large WC preceding each dose.
What's the concensus, experts, on how to knock this infestation down?
The (now two, possibly three) affected fish aren't eating.

Tropical Haven
01-05-2008, 12:04 AM
Do a 50% water change between doses every 8 hours if possible. At 92 degree's the effectiveness of metro will only last 8 hours.

01-05-2008, 04:21 PM
Over how many days, Scott? Three, five?
I thought I read somewhere metro was at its most effective at 90 degrees or over... and I know its concensus that the tank should be kept as high as 94 for up to ten days following treatment... I may need a new heater! (I have two in the tank in case one fails)