View Full Version : Need help please sick discus

01-11-2008, 12:11 PM
Hi guys and gals,

First my water parameters are all good (and normal for my tank) Temp is 86F. My fish are dark in colour, losing slime coat, fins clamped sometimes, flashing a little, dark poop (more then normal I think), they are eating...but not like usual, They are far lessa ctive then normal.

I have treated with Prazi last night ....thinking parasite.

No improvement today.....maybe even worse. I'm thinking about trying Metro...

Any thoughts?

01-11-2008, 12:30 PM
Why metro? Metro is only useful for spiro.

Sounds like you have either a water quality issue or an external parasite. FMG is a good bet for the external parasite, or PP.

01-11-2008, 12:35 PM
Hi Prazi will handle nothing but flukes and this maybe more than flukes. The Metro looks after internal Heximita and nothing more. Since they are flashing, shedding mucus and clamping that say external problem, probably a parasite.

Have you introduced any new fish or plants into the tank? Has anything major been done to the tank that would have stressed the fish? Do you have access to a microscope? What are the exact numbers for your water parameters? What other meds or chems do you have available?

I know lots of questions


01-11-2008, 02:16 PM
Hi Prazi will handle nothing but flukes and this maybe more than flukes. The Metro looks after internal Heximita and nothing more. Since they are flashing, shedding mucus and clamping that say external problem, probably a parasite.

Have you introduced any new fish or plants into the tank? Has anything major been done to the tank that would have stressed the fish? Do you have access to a microscope? What are the exact numbers for your water parameters? What other meds or chems do you have available?

I know lots of questions


Water params.........nitrate less the 10, nitrite 0, hardness medium hard, Ph 7.4....can't remember any others and I'm at work now. No microscope.

Oh...i might add no white poop. maybe a little darker and more of it then normal....but I'm not sure.

New fish are two small plecos....NO QUARENTINE (mybad) and 3 new plants......not treated with anything (didn't know I should)

I treated with Prazipro last night. If that works how long should it take before I see improvement? Should I turn heat up? if so how much?

01-11-2008, 02:35 PM
{quote]New fish are two small plecos....NO QUARENTINE (mybad) and 3 new plants......not treated with anything (didn't know I should)[/quote]

Lesson learned......................plants too:smash: ;)

The prazi should work fairly quick, but the odds are that it's more than a few flukes...The flukes wouldn't have them clamping and shedding mucus that fast.

If it were me I'd be using a product that had Formalin & Malachite Green in it , like Quick Cure. It's a good shot gun chem, when the actual problem can't be ID.

The current temp should be fine

01-11-2008, 11:16 PM
Why metro? Metro is only useful for spiro.

Sounds like you have either a water quality issue or an external parasite. FMG is a good bet for the external parasite, or PP.

Sorry .......I meant Melafix.

01-11-2008, 11:42 PM
melafix is good for nothing.....junk


01-12-2008, 08:30 PM
melafix is good for nothing.....junk


You're right....no improvement.....going for "quickcure" tomorrow. Thanks

Graham.....what temp should I run my tank while treating? And what temp do you recommend for everyday when their healthy?

01-13-2008, 06:07 PM
Graham.....what temp should I run my tank while treating? And what temp do you recommend for everyday when their healthy?
I'm not the G man but.... 29C (84F) for both in this case.