View Full Version : Is the male too young?

01-12-2008, 01:17 PM
Hello all,

Yesterday night the first "pair" created in own tanks spawed, but the event was not perfect as I was waiting for.
After many months, I suppose 16, the female spawed, but the second fish didn't folow the female. It kept all the time "kissing" the ceramic pott and trying to push out the female, but it didn't do it part of the service.
As all the time before the event the "male" seemed pushing the female for the pott, I'm wondering if is possible the "male" to be very young or without enough experience to complete te event, or if I will need to substitute for another one.
Do I need to wait a new spaw to confirm the "male" sexuality or it's better I do the substitution now? Can the "male" to be lack of experience to complete the event?
Today morning the eggs desappeared.
Thank you

01-17-2008, 09:45 PM
In most strains, males mature later than females. Maybe he is not old enough. On the other hand, I've experienced problem males that I know were old enough, never finish the spawning process. They would do the whole dance, then just watch the female lay the eggs. Some showed no interest at all, while others just followed the female, eating eggs as they were laid.

If you can find a known breeding male of the same strain, try him.
