View Full Version : Much better now- THANKS!!!

01-13-2008, 02:41 AM
Hey guys, I'd like to report that my beauties are looking and acting healthy, happy, and ravenously hungry after a long bout of what turned out to be internal parasites and bad housekeeping by me (see thread "help with diagnosis" at http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?t=61434&highlight=diagnosis).

I did lose the juvie spotted leopard- well I euthanized it after it was looking like it would not come out of its funk. Even though it was a trooper and got up again after being down, it was solid black and getting skinnier, and I thought I should put the poor thing out of its misery in a humane way I've read about. I still have the incredibly skinny royal pigeon, but I haven't had the heart to put him down because even he is coming out and looking interested in the feeding-frenzies, and I have hope for him.

Thanks a million for the help and advise, especially Paul, Judy, and Jose, and Mikscus for telling me not to worry about my pH. I think I have a much better handle on my tanks now. I believe it was only a matter of time that my beloved golden leopard (seen in my avatar) in the 29 gallon started to deteriorate, with the way I was doing things. That tank continues to thrive, thank goodness. I'm so glad I joined this forum and got the info I needed!

Now onward to growing them big and fattening up my adult wild green. I promise to share pictures soon.


01-13-2008, 02:18 PM
Maybe a good idea to keep the temp up at 88 or 90 for a week or so-- that will keep them hungrier and help them beat down any remnants of whatever was getting to them in the first place.
And I'm so glad they're coming back (though sorry you lost one)!

01-16-2008, 04:04 AM
Things are still going better, although some darkening up is noticeable since the last 75% water change on the weekend, so I need to get in there and do another. The turq that had raised white spots now has them again, although not as large. They look like smooth pimples, and he tries to scrape them off. I will try to get pics. Any ideas what the heck that might be? I've turned the temp back up, but I'm worried it might be bacterial or viral and the higher temp will make it worse.

Any advice?

01-16-2008, 04:06 AM
Oh, and the ultra-skinny pigeon finally died on his own. He kept looking at food, and I made sure that plenty fell right in front of him, but he would never take a bite.

01-16-2008, 11:02 AM
That is a pity... I am sorry you lost him. Sometimes it seems there's just nothing you can do for them.

01-23-2008, 10:52 PM
Yes, it's sad. The good news though is that the remaining 6 discus are doing very well now. You were right about the temperature- I had dropped it to 84 and the white spots on the one fish came back. I raised it to 90 and they went away again. All continue to look great and eat well. Here, finally, is a picture of the gang.

Thanks for your help!!
