View Full Version : awwwww.their first spawn...

01-21-2008, 12:13 AM
Well, I don't think the male had his role quite figured out-- his fertilizing passes were a little late off the mark, and he looked to be kinda off-target, but we'll see... thing is, I'M NOT READY to be a discus mom!! What will be the breeding tank is gonna be occupied for the next six weeks by a couple of new blue diamonds. These kids are just gonna have to deal with life in the display tank. I hope the stress doesn't ruin their marriage...


01-22-2008, 04:02 PM
Awsome news..and great pics. Cant wait to see updated pics as the little ones progress. You make the male sound like a bomber,lol...off his mark. Hopefully he hit the spot...


01-22-2008, 05:34 PM
Well, no, he did not, in fact.... all the eggs went white and poor ma is still sittin' there fanning not realizing what she really has here is a nice midafternoon snack.
Seems the male is a bit behind the female developmentally... which is usually the case, isn't it? well, at least I know they will likely be a breeding pair-- and when the new blue diamond,s which just arrived, have done their quarantine, this pair will be moving over to set up housekeeping in that small tank. I hope they like contemporary, minimalist furnishings...BB, PVC spawning tube, sponge filter, and some floating water sprite (oh, and nice subdued lighting to encourage the Mood...)

01-26-2008, 01:03 AM
the female's taken a second run at it. I didn't see the blessed event, but the male's not behaving like he's got it figured out yet... I think he actually tried to fertilize the eggs about four hours after she laid them-- unless that's not a male... in which case, she's gonna be lonely for awhile. Everyone else in the tank is definitely too young...