View Full Version : Moved Discus need suggestions

01-24-2008, 01:50 PM
I moved 3 Discus to a 125 gal with 7 others. The smallest of the 3 is being bullied and didn`t eat today. Should I move it back to the 55 with just 3 platies or leave it in with the other Discus?

01-24-2008, 05:47 PM
I would leave it in there if you just moved them in there today. How big are the fish that were in the tank vs the fish you added? Sometimes it takes a few days for everyone to adjust.

01-24-2008, 08:04 PM
Some of the other fish are twice his size and others are 4xs. I move him and one close to his size back to the 55. We found him on his side wedged in some plants. Guess he needs to grow a bit more before joining the others. He acts more confident now that he`s back home but still hasn`t eaten. Looks like i`ll have to get more live worms tomorrow.