View Full Version : Getting my fish to take flake

Discus Dreaming
01-24-2008, 03:49 PM
Hi All,

I posted below under topic "New Discus Behavior" about my new discus, and what my tank/fish set up is. They are eating frozen BW, frozen glassworms, frozen brine shrimp, and starting to take well frozen mysis shrimp.

How do I get them to take flake food? I would like to get them to eat flake so I can have a timer feeder for mid-day flake feeding. Do you make them go cold turkey until they eat it? When I put it in now, they look at it once and won't even pull it into their mouths. I think they know I'll give them the good stuff if they wait!

Thanks for your help.

White Worm
01-24-2008, 03:56 PM
Try pellets (tetra bits). You can try cold turkey depending on the age but sometimes that wont work. Yep, they know. A few of mine wait for the good stuff. I feed tetra bits first and most will eat them. But....I have 2or3 that are not fooled for one second. They look over and look back with a "No Way" look on their face. :D
I can read their mind........"Wheres the blood worms or the live white worms?"

Don Trinko
01-24-2008, 04:34 PM
Try 1st thing in the morning when they have not eaten all night. I have also seen suggestion abought mixing a small amount with their favorite food and gradualy adding more.
I have 2 fish that are picky eaters: they eat the frozen Blood worms but not much enthusiasm for anything else. They are also the smallest now. They started the same size as the others. Don T.

01-24-2008, 05:08 PM
I feed mine Omega One flake food and they love it...can't get enough!

01-24-2008, 10:14 PM
I feed Omega one Flake Food to my Discus and they love it to.

Discus Dreaming
01-25-2008, 03:06 PM
Has anyone chopped up small pieces of raw shrimp and raw salmon and fed that to your discus? Is it jumped on, or ignored? Any reason NOT to try this?

01-25-2008, 03:30 PM
I'd go with the Tetra Color Bits in the feeder, but Omega flakes seem to be eaten much better then other brands. Problem is, the flakes should be wet first before releasing them to your fish. The bits are easier to feed as they will go right to the bottom where discus like to pick.

01-26-2008, 11:31 AM
I was able to 'train' a few discus to eat flakes - at first, I put frozen blood worms in a feeder cone until they learned to eat from that. I then added some flakes (at first they spat the flakes out, but later on learned to eat them), and after awhile, they learned to eat flakes and worms; now I can feed flakes without the cone and they'll eat them.


01-29-2008, 04:07 AM
Has anyone chopped up small pieces of raw shrimp and raw salmon and fed that to your discus? Is it jumped on, or ignored? Any reason NOT to try this?

I feed my discus quite often raw shrimp an they love it!
actualy when i cook any kind of fish,chicken or meat i chop some up for them