View Full Version : Please help. My Male is really hurting his mate.

01-28-2008, 03:11 AM
Hello everyone. this is my first pair of Leopard Snakeskin and my first post.
I bought the pair about a month ago.
the first spawn was 3 hours after I brought them home. The male ate all the eggs 5 minutes after I turned off the filter.
4 days later, they spawned again, I again turned off the filter about 24 hours after they spawned. % minutes later, the male ate all the eggs again.
5 days later, they again spawned (24 hours ago) This time i did not have the filter on so no eggs have gotten eaten.
I have 2 questions.
1. out of what looks like 150-200 eggs, about 1/2 of them turned white already. Is this a normal number. The rest seem to have not changed any color after 24 hours.
2. The male is REALLY guarding the eggs and being very aggressive against the female. Is this normal. He's already ripped up some of her fins. What should I do ???

PLease help.


White Worm
01-28-2008, 03:23 AM
Pairs will sometimes argue over who gets to watch over the eggs. If damage is done, put a seperator in the tank and let dad watch the eggs. Eggs turning white could be lack of fertilization, too much circulation or hard water. Check out the breeding section here and you will find all the parameters for breeder water. Fins will grow back. :D

01-30-2008, 04:49 PM
You could always pull the female and put her in a community tank or try the divider until the eggs are suppose to hatch and see if you get any wigglers. I have found that if the pair starts fighting while guarding the eggs they are continue to fight and it will get worse when they have wigglers and fry. JME