View Full Version : spiky caudal fin

01-29-2008, 08:27 PM
Hi all

i've got a question with regards to the caudal fin spikes. I've seen that some discus lose the "finnage" between the spikes and the spikes look long and pointy whereas others sort of have spikes only at the top of the caudal fin and the bottom part is still connected.
i hope people get what i mean.
is this genetically determined or can it be due to a desease that the spikes become so spiky?


01-29-2008, 08:39 PM
Hi, can you take a pic of what you're talking about.

01-29-2008, 08:57 PM
hmm well

sorry graham, can't take pictures now but i'll use a pic from this forum.
if we look at the giant flora post in the discus university thread
called "Please Rate this Hi-body Giant Flora Male"
you can see that his first 8 spikes of his caudal fin are spiky only on top, i.e. the spikes are connected to each other through prob. 60% of the total fin height, for the top %40 of the fin they're separated.
some discus I've seen have nearly 90% spike and only %10 of the bottom fin connects the spikes.
looks wrong to me but i dont know if that's genetic or a sign of desease...

01-29-2008, 09:41 PM
based on that pic........That's looks like a flaw...that at some point the fin was damaged or diseased and that's how it grew back in.

Fin rays should all come/grow out evenly and branch evenly
