View Full Version : Kind of puzzled

Tropical Haven
01-29-2008, 10:58 PM
I have a LSS discus that hasn't been doing good over the last month. Stays on the dark side and quit eating. I ordered Metro from Jehmco but wasn't shipping for 2 weeks so I ordered some Metro plus and treated for 5 days at 92 degrees. It will only eat FBW's and White worms but will not eat anything else but when it was feeling fine it ate everything that went into the tank. Does anyone have any idea what I could do for it now? I just lost my smaller one that acted like this the same time this one did.

01-30-2008, 12:11 AM
I know this sounds way too simple but, winter months are tough in the midwest. What are your water parameters of the water you are using for changes? Is it aged? What type of fecal were/are these fish exhibiting? Have you ruled our something like gill flukes, protozoan or parasitic?

Quite frankly, my last choice is antibiotics. By the time I have a fish reach that stage, treating with something strong enough to kill the invader will also knock out the biofilter.

Tropical Haven
01-30-2008, 11:09 AM
My water parameters haven't changed and all of my other discus are doing great. I have seen this discus acting a little weird about 5 months ago but just can't get it back to normal. I haven't seen any fecal matter yet so I can't comment on that.

01-30-2008, 05:15 PM
Scott, first instinct here would be nematodes, panacur in food only or levimasol in water/food or flubendazole in water/food will deal with them. If it's flagellates then they will be well ensconsed so it will need a 10 day treatment of metro to shift them imo.