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View Full Version : Biospira question???

02-01-2008, 02:33 PM
Hi all,

I know some of you haven't used biospira before, but for those of you who have and those who may have helpful information for me regarding my question...I need your help.

Ok here is where I stand. I have been cycling my tank now for over 6 weeks. My ammonia was droping daily, but my Nitrite and Nitrate were both off the charts for a long, long time. They just didn't seem to want to drop. So I finally got fed up and went out and bought the Biospira. I put it in my tank 3 days ago. On the directions it said to turn off my UV light and then put it in. So I did that. I assume it is because all of the bacteria that is in the package is free floating. It hasn't stuck to anything yet. But as of today I did my water tests and found out...wow Biospira does work! My Ammonia is at 0 and my Nitrites are at 0 and my Nitrate is reading 5-10 ppm. It's like it balanced everything out right away! SO now that it's cycled I want to plug my UV back in...but I am afraid that the bacteria hasn't settled and stuck to everything. How long do you suggest I should just wait and keep feeding ammonia to the tank before I do my water change and and plug in the UV light to make sure the bacteria has settled in the filters and is no longer free floating in the water?

So you can give me a better answer... I'll explain my system set up. I have a 75 gallon tank with a built in overflow that has a prefilter in there to a trickle filter with some coralife prefilter on the drip plate to catch anything before it trickles over the bio balls. I also have a 90 gallon hydro sponge filter in the tank.

I added ammonia today to keep feeding it. Keeping it around 1-2 ppm. Thanks for your time!


02-01-2008, 03:01 PM
I used biospira everytime I was brining in a large shipment. You are suppose to put fish in 24 hours after using so there is something for the bacteria to feed on.

I would wait at least week after adding fish before turning on the UV. Honestly, I don't think you need the UV, but I'm sure you have read threads on the pro's/con's on UV.

I would recommend getting the 20 gallon packet of biospira and putting that in and then adding fish tomorrow. 20 gallon packet is just to make sure you have not started to lose the good bacteria.


02-01-2008, 03:31 PM
I used biospira everytime I was brining in a large shipment. You are suppose to put fish in 24 hours after using so there is something for the bacteria to feed on.

I would wait at least week after adding fish before turning on the UV. Honestly, I don't think you need the UV, but I'm sure you have read threads on the pro's/con's on UV.

I would recommend getting the 20 gallon packet of biospira and putting that in and then adding fish tomorrow. 20 gallon packet is just to make sure you have not started to lose the good bacteria.



I am still adding ammonia so the bacteria has something to feed on. I was just wondering if the bacteria has settled. From what you are saying it must take about a week. So I think I'll keep adding the ammonia and wait a week, do a big water change to bring down the nitrates and add the discus. Sound right?

02-01-2008, 06:11 PM
The nitrifiers will have settled out in about 24 hours, but as Bill mentioned why use the UV in the 1st place.........

careful how much ammonia that you add really high ppm levels can hinder the nitrifiers


02-02-2008, 03:54 PM
I add to the chorus: Why bother with UV? Just another unnecessary expensive gadget unless a specific need for it has been identified.

02-02-2008, 11:15 PM
You all may be right about the UV. But I got a great deal on it and I have never tried one...so I am gonna give it try and see for myself. Also I am so happy that the tank is cycled. I am waiting a week and feeding with ammonia every other day untill I get my discus. I will send some pics on the board when I get them in :)


02-03-2008, 05:59 PM
Hey Todd
Do you have an eta for those guys?
Pics will be great.

02-04-2008, 03:13 PM
Hey Todd
Do you have an eta for those guys?
Pics will be great.


I will have them either Wednesday or on Friday. I will have pics up sometime shortly after. I'll gove them their 24 hours of darkness to let them settle in.
