View Full Version : Moving a pair

02-03-2008, 11:59 AM
I have a pair of Discus that just laid eggs yesterday in a community tank. I don't expect any good results with them in this tank. However should I move them to a breeder tank in a couple of days for next time or leave them in the community tank to be sure that they will have eggs again?

Elite Aquaria
02-03-2008, 12:44 PM
Depends on how old they are and if they have paired up. If over 16 months of age I would move them to a breeding tank.

02-03-2008, 01:54 PM
Thanks Dan, I'm not sure how old they are, I would guess at least 12 months. What do you mean if they have paired up?

Elite Aquaria
02-03-2008, 02:53 PM
Pairing up occurs when you have a group of discus together and a bond forms between a male and a female. You know when this has happened because the pair will claim an area of the tank and push everyone else to the other side of the tank. Next step is to ensure that they are of the opposite sex...Once you see wigglers you are home free.

02-03-2008, 03:10 PM
Thanks Dan, they have definitly paired up then. They are keeping all other discus away from their eggs. As for opposite sex, I guess only time will tell. What color should the eggs turn when fertalized? Can they be fertilized with a pH of 7.5. I thought I read somewhere that at higher pH's the eggs membrane prohibits fertilization.

Elite Aquaria
02-03-2008, 03:21 PM
Thanks Dan, they have definitly paired up then. They are keeping all other discus away from their eggs. As for opposite sex, I guess only time will tell. What color should the eggs turn when fertalized? Can they be fertilized with a pH of 7.5. I thought I read somewhere that at higher pH's the eggs membrane prohibits fertilization.

Yes, More important is the hardness of your water. I have breed my fish in water as hard as 250 Us. Although My breeder's tanks PH run between 5.5-6.5...;)

I do not adjust the PH it just settles at that level...

Color is normally orange/yellow/clear. Depends on the fish and diet. After 24 hours you will start to see a black dot in the middle...if not fertilized they will turn white.

Feel free to call me if you have detailed questions.