View Full Version : QTing tetras and shrimp?

02-11-2008, 04:15 PM
I understand QT with discus as you are trying to monitor health and make sure the new discus don’t mess with the old, and visaversa. I’ve never QT’ed other fish in the past, but with the ich problem I had the last time I dropped some cory’s in, I’m wanting to QT the 20 tetras and misc shrimp I just bought. My question is, tetras and shrimp don’t really show signs of needing treatments the way discus do and so what do I look for and what do I do? I have them in a 30 gallon tank right now, it’s in another room and nothing is shared.

Don Trinko
02-11-2008, 06:22 PM
If you have had them for several months in the same tank and had no problems then you did "QT" them. But... there is always the possibility that they are carrying something that does not effect them but will effect discus.
Some people put a "less desirable" discus in 1st and see if it gets sick. ( I bet most don't do this, most of us don't have a "throw away" discus") No matter what you do there is some possability of a problem but the QT minimizes this posability. Don T.

02-11-2008, 09:04 PM
We all have our opinions about what is the appropriate length of time to quarantine new fish.
Personally, I take into consideration how good of condition new fish are in and play it by ear.
I believe two weeks with Tetras and shrimp will both catch the usual possible diseases and allow for the new animals to improve their condition to the point they will make a smooth adjustment to their final destination tank.
I encourage feeding new Tetras live baby brine shrimp and live black worms if they are large enough to eat them. Live foods really help to condition new fish faster than anything else.
Once or twice a day live food feedings can work wonders.

02-14-2008, 12:11 PM
I have 35 cherry shrimp, 10 ghost shrimp and 2 Bamboo shrimp in there and this morning I was trying to find one of the Bamboo shrimps........it was dead on the ground. It crawled out I guess, and the tank has a top.......must have crawled up the heater cord?? Oh well............