View Full Version : Optimistically expecting success with this question

02-11-2008, 04:31 PM
On their fifth spawn in the main tank, it begins to look as if the two turqs have finally got their act together. The eggs are still there, almost all appear to be fertile, and there should be wigglers in a day or so.
But the raise-out tank is ready for them (a day too late!): so the question-- assuming the wigglers make it to free swimming fry stage, do I pull them from the parents at around Day 5 of free swimming-- and if so, how? Do I use a BBS net to catch and transfer them?
This is a planted tank. And the parents've located themselves nicely in the quietest, darkest corner, so I can anticipate trying to locate free swimming fry somewhere in a jungle of amazon sword leaves-- unless the little darlings are bold enough to swim up towards the light, which would make the job a lot easier-- or harder, if they get into that gigantic damn floating water sprite!
Have wrapped the HOB filter intake tubes with sponge to lessen likelihood of fry getting sucked up. Am hoping that will help.
These are two parents with very bad timing. Either that, or I wasn't quick enough with the nursery-building! (But I've got the BBS hatchery rolling nicely...)
Also, if I do get viable fry and do get them moved to the BB nursery, can I send the parents in there in a couple of weeks, since they'll likely be back in spawning mode? Or is it a bad idea to try to spawn and raise out simultaneously in one tank (20 gallon)?

02-12-2008, 11:38 AM
Too optimistic. Somebody had a late night snack... I can't find moved wigglers anywhere. Which is good, because now I can move them into their lovely breeding tank, complete with two delightful choices of spawning cone and a great big gentle sponge filter with an HOB filter whose uptake tube is sponged (and which will be removed and placed at the back of the main tank once the blessed events have occurred... I suppose the floating water sprite will have to come out, too.

Tropical Haven
02-12-2008, 05:21 PM
At least you will be ready for them now.

02-12-2008, 05:40 PM
Oh, yeah. They're in there now, inspecting the prospective spawning cones with extremely critical eyes, checking over the entire tank, having their mid-afternoon nosh, and generally behaving like they're not yet sure whether they like the view from the new apartment...
and meanwhile, back in the main tank, a couple of the red melons are starting up with an "I think I Love You Shimmy". The larger of those two had been inordinately interested in the last spawn the pair did there... and here I thought he was just a perverted little fish voyeur.
Ah, cripes. Well, they'll just have to stay in the main tank and do their thing.... I certainly can't split a 20 gallon into two breeding spaces!