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02-13-2008, 05:48 PM
From reading some threads I've learnd that the mother ends up moving the wigglers. can some please tell me how do the babies attach them self to the other object? What if they dont stay attached? What happens to the babies?

For the first time I have wigglers this is day three:bounce2::bounce2: I'm soooo excited. I Cant tell you how many I have the father didn't do a good job so there are a lote of white ones. I see the mother is tring to move them she has one in her mouth and carring it around. she keeps throughing it to where she wants it to attach to but it just bounces back and she puts it back in her mouth again.

02-18-2008, 08:55 PM

Discus fry have a gland on top of their head which secretes an adhesive type slime. When they are moved, this slime attaches them to the surface. It works just like when the wigglers first hatch.


02-19-2008, 09:04 AM
Thank you Mat for replying.

That was heplful. :)

02-19-2008, 02:08 PM
Generally at this stage i remove the female and leave the male to do the bringing up. One of the reasons is that sometimes both of the parents do not share the same opinion where the fry should stay and there is a continuous moving of the fry by both parents and thus ending in fights.

02-19-2008, 09:15 PM
You have gotten good info. I agree with removing the female and let the male raise the fry. I do this because I like to let the female rest. They need it more than the males. ;)

02-22-2008, 07:04 PM
Thanks guys. Hay Angela.

I figured thats the reason why you say to take the female out but the mother is more into not eating the eggs. those babies didnt make it. so I'm going to wait till summer and pull out the extra tank for them and see what happens.

you know last night the other female was trying to lay her eggs on the other side of the tank that my other girl likes to lay eggs and the other girl didnt like it. but the female kept on trying to lay her eggs there and the male didnt do his thing but was stuck between the two females. so some eggs were laid and on the next day i woke up to see eggs still there in a community tank they made it through the night. i thought that was funny they normaly dont make though the night with out some one saying yum caviar.