View Full Version : F*ing Flukes!

02-13-2008, 10:16 PM
Hey all. I have a gill fluke problem cropping up again. biggest part of the problem is it is now in my 300g planted with sand substrate. 15 adult discus or so. I have an open 75g that i could use, or what about dipping the worst of the fish?

what is the dose and duration of prazi and or formalin for a dip? I'm thinking i could take them out one by one for now and do a dip in a 5g pale, Then i could get the 75g set for a longer treatment. How long do i have to keep them out of the 300g tank so they don't get reinfected (ie am i ever going to get them out of the substrate?). Do these flukes grab on to other species? like cories, BNP and CAEs? if so then i am just going to have to dump the prazi in the big tank. ..... any input would be appreciated. (espically doses and durations of dips) thanks.

02-13-2008, 10:20 PM
1st off how do you know you have flukes...2nd any fish can catch flukes....3rd generally speaking flukes stay on the fish not in the substrate and maybe in the water column, not in the substrate....4th a series of Prazi treatments in the main tank isn't going to hurt anything


02-14-2008, 05:19 PM
thanks Graham. well, i had some flukes on some younger fry and think perhaps my main tank got infected (IDd microscopically on the fry). I have some juvenile/adults that are flashing, dark, off food and mucous from under the gill covers. so i think it a pretty strong correlation. maybe ill do some scrapings on the worst fish. other older adults that have been in the tank for a while seem less affected (although they are mostly PB based so hard to see them turning dark)
there are lots of other fish species in the 300g, so it wont be possible to remove and treat all species. I might formalin the worst discus and then prazi the whole tank 3-4 days later.
wasn't sure about the substrate, so good to know. I was thinking somewhat in terms of the amount of organic material and using formalin may not work too well.
I guess the prazi might be expensive, but better to treat the whole works at once.
thanks again. ....now to do the math on the prazi $$$:o

02-14-2008, 05:24 PM
Hi Confirm with a scrape/scope and then a good cleaning/waterchange and then the Prazi

02-14-2008, 10:50 PM
thanks. more of them are getting scraped up from rubbing. day off tomorrow so i'll get some scrapings to check out. but i ordered the prazi today. $ first time that disliked the 300g $ ouch!

02-14-2008, 11:09 PM
It's not that expensive...try having a 5500gallon pond to treat:(


02-15-2008, 12:06 AM
Hey Graham,

I tried the prazi powder once, i had problems weighing for the proper dosage and dissolving the powder in water. Any suggestions tips welcome.

02-15-2008, 02:44 AM
yeah i guess that powder doesnt look that bad for price. i'll have to order some for next time around. for now i am getting tablets from a pharmacy.

02-15-2008, 08:40 AM
I use the Prazi Liquid from Rocky Mountain Discus. No having to mess with the powder thing. Used it for Angelfish, now once for Discus, and it has worked great. A little goes a long way, and Rocky Mountain ships fast !
Utah Discus has it too, and most likely a few others.

02-15-2008, 08:46 AM
Hey Graham,

I tried the prazi powder once, i had problems weighing for the proper dosage and dissolving the powder in water. Any suggestions tips welcome.

Yup it can be a PITA...I've heard of people trying everything from acetone, F&MG, Vinegar, to a shot of Volka...they all work to some degree.

You'll never get it to totally dissppear due to the binders in it, but it will work even though it looks to be sitting around

02-15-2008, 09:32 AM
Try using RO or distilled water. Put in container with tight lid and shake, shake, and shake some more.:)

Don Trinko
02-15-2008, 04:32 PM
I use prazipro,(liquid) I have a hard enough time dissolving metro.
Don T.