View Full Version : Discus Feces Problem!

02-14-2008, 01:55 PM

My discus pair is giving off different types of feces at different times.
I am not expert so hoping from you guys some info and help. Following is the type of feces they give off at different time!

1- Short black feces.
2- Black feces hanging from anus but not falling on ground, takes much time.
3- Black and white feces!
4- Feces containing gas bubbels!
5- Curly and segmented feces!
6- Liquid type feces! (Very thin feces and starts breaking right after coming off the fish, seems like dissolving in the water?

I feed my fishes only dry foods of hikari! Currently the pair is eating alot and ready for breading but I have stopped them by increasing the temp., due to some particular reasons.
I have treated my fishes with metro, erythromycin, jungles internal parsite guard, but no help!

Yesterday, I saw short black feces, then after a few hrs long black feces!
Today, I saw black and white feces with gas bubbles!

I just can't understand the reason and dont know much about such problems!

Anyone would please tell me about such conditions and how to cure them! I appreciate!


02-14-2008, 02:08 PM
Hi, This may sound gross but when you go to the bathroom is it the same all the time:o...why should their's be? Different foods will produce different shades and consistencies

Throwing the antibiotics at them is also not helping and is affecting thier body chemistry and stools....especially when there's probably nothing wrong.

If your fish were getting ready to spawn then they don't sound very sick.......


02-14-2008, 02:33 PM
Thanks for such a quick reply!:)

Sorry for such a silly question but again thanks for your reply:)

It sounds like, I was getting unnecessarily worried about that!:o


02-14-2008, 02:45 PM
Hi There's no such thing as a silly question...other than the one not asked.

feces a lot of the time can be an indictaor of a problem....white mucus like ones can be a sign of hexamita, white segments may be a tape worm...but they also can be nothing more than what the fish ate