View Full Version : Hello, Simply Discus!

02-17-2008, 03:12 PM
Hello, everyone.
I just joined this forum and just got into discus as of yesterday. I've been keeping and breeding tropheus and petros for many years. I just sold my last colony of tropheus yesterday. I no longer have any tropheus or petros. I now only have two tanks. One is a 300 gallon tank that is occupied by 15 wild caught Zaires and the other is a 90 gallon tank that is occupied by 13 discus.

The discus all range from 2.5 to 3 inches. I've always wanted to keep discus. But the water parameters required by them always kept me away. Well, I've been reading that ph is not so much a factor as long as it is consistent. My ph is 7.8 and that is why I didn't want to risk keeping them. Once I feel confident that I can provide for my discus, I may convert my 300 into a discus tank also. I've had my frontosas for a while and I truly do adore them. But I really would enjoy a 300 gallon tank of discus in my living room. Which is where the 300 is now.

I'm actually going to meet Dan with Gulf Coast Discus this afternoon. I'm going to learn as much as possible. I look forward to meeting him and seeing all of his fish.

I look forward to learning from everyone on this site as well.

See you around,
John Jolley

02-17-2008, 03:16 PM
Hi John!

Welcome aboard!!! Great that you can stop by and see Dan's place....I'm sure you'll leave there with a lot of good info.....may even go home and look at that 300 gal tank and imagine discus swimming in it!:)

take care,

02-17-2008, 03:21 PM
Welcome aboard John! You've come to the right place!!


White Worm
02-17-2008, 03:52 PM
Welcome. Sounds like you have things going in the right direction.

02-17-2008, 03:57 PM
Thanks, Al.

Thanks, Trog.

Thanks, Mikscus.

02-19-2008, 01:38 AM
Hi ya John!! Welcome to "SD"...:)

Whats up with all these Texans joining all of a sudden anyways? ;) :D

I am gonna bet after you see Dans tanks your going to have a 90 and a 300G tank full of Discus an probably wantin to get another one just to plant it!! :D :D


02-19-2008, 04:01 PM
Hi ya John!! Welcome to "SD"...:)

Whats up with all these Texans joining all of a sudden anyways? ;) :D

I am gonna bet after you see Dans tanks your going to have a 90 and a 300G tank full of Discus an probably wantin to get another one just to plant it!! :D :D


Hi, Mark.

You would have won that bet. LOL!
Those are my plans with the exception of the planted tank. :)

If any moderator should read this post, I do not get notices when there are replies to my posts. I do have it selected to do so in my User CP. Please help.

White Worm
02-19-2008, 09:36 PM
Those are my plans with the exception of the planted tank. :)


02-19-2008, 10:26 PM
LOL! :)

02-20-2008, 11:12 AM
If any moderator should read this post, I do not get notices when there are replies to my posts. I do have it selected to do so in my User CP. Please help

Hey John...Guess yer gonna have ta check the forum more often! ;) :D

Seriously though, you can send brewmaster15 or Ryan S a PM an ask whats going on. It might be a firewall issue.


02-20-2008, 12:15 PM
Hey John...Guess yer gonna have ta check the forum more often! ;) :D

Seriously though, you can send brewmaster15 or Ryan S a PM an ask whats going on. It might be a firewall issue.


Thanks, Mark.

They seem to be working now. :)