View Full Version : Stendker Photo Journal

02-18-2008, 02:36 AM
Well I'm back at it. After a big move halfway across the country; I am able to enjoy this wonderful hobby again. I wanted to start a journal for myself and thought this would be a great place to start.

A little info for starters:
75 gal tank, BB with some potted plants, fish "not including discus" 5 otos 4 Amano shrimp and 3 Blue rams.

This past Saturday morning I picked up 11 Stendkers from Mike at CODiscus. He is a great guy with some awesome fish. Strains include: 3 Flachen, 3 Marlboro Reds, and 5 Red Scribbelts. Sizes range from 2.5 in to 4 in. They are settling in a bit so I broke out the camera. Comments are warmly welcome, and updates are always on the way.





Darren's Discus
02-18-2008, 02:44 AM
Tank and fish look great,will look forward to an update.


White Worm
02-18-2008, 04:30 AM
Looks good. What kind of plants are those?

02-18-2008, 01:06 PM
Looking Good!.. Keep us updated! and welcome back!:)

02-18-2008, 01:36 PM
Looks good. What kind of plants are those?

Not sure of the green plant on the front right, but on the left, that's Ludwigia repens:


And on the right side rear, that's Alternanthera reineckii:




02-18-2008, 03:30 PM
Thanks for all the comments. The plant id's are correct. The small green plant in front is Lobelia Cardinalis Dwarf form.:)

02-19-2008, 12:56 AM

the plants look very good. Do you need special light for those. Are they expensive? Does it help discus at all


02-19-2008, 04:15 AM
Truc thanks for your comments. The light fixture I use is a 260 watt Aqualight from Coralife. It is a 4 strip power compact fixture. The bulbs are 2-10,000k and 2-6,500k. I was running pressurized co2 while the tank was cycling, but no with my new inhabitants it has been temporarily turned off. I hope this helps.

02-20-2008, 03:13 PM
Just a small update. Fish are doing fine eating like pigs. I have been feeding them a seafood cocktail I made and they absolutely love it. It consist of .5 pound of Wild caught salmon, .5 pound of peeled raw shrimp and color flakes. The older ones however are hiding a lot. Is this normal? They like staying behind the plants. Well they are still new to the tank. Thanks for reading.


02-26-2008, 02:44 PM
I thought I would give an update on the fish and their progress. The fish are doing great and eating like hungry piranhas. I had to remove the black background due to some peppering on some of the Marlborough's. I bought two 55's for extra space, because I know 11 discus in a 75 will not last long. I do have a question though when should I separate the discus so they won't be so crowded. The bigger red's are already starting to hog the food. Well anyways here are some pictures. Enjoy.





02-26-2008, 03:22 PM
Beautiful fish, I really like the red scribbelts.


Brian Mc
02-28-2008, 06:21 PM
Great pics and tank!