View Full Version : Dosing Kanamycin

02-18-2008, 01:30 PM
Hi. I have just ordered Kanamycin to treat a fish that has been bloated for quite some time. Epsom salts didn't help, so this was the next recommended treatment.

I will be moving the bloated fish to a 10 gal tank. What is the proper dosing/water changing/re-dosing regiment I should follow? (I don't have a scale so measurements in tsp would be appreciated :) )


02-18-2008, 02:25 PM
Hi Trevor,

When I use it I use 1/4 teaspoon per 20 gals... repeat daily after large water changes....50-75%. It usually works on internal infections in about 4 days.....

If it doesn't and this fish is special...You may want to try maracyn 2 aka minocycline or Oxytetracycline.

as a last thought... A bad worm infection can cause this...have you ever dewormed this fish ? Whats the last medications you used and when?


02-18-2008, 02:45 PM
Hi Al, thanks for the reply.

Never used a dewormer. Last med on this guy was... Quick Cure & some Jungle med - Parasite Clear? It's the really bright yellow stuff that seems to be mostly salt. I would have used that probably over a year ago - he survived a nasty bacterial outbreak from my starting discus from a less than reputable source (which is documented somewhere else :)).

I have 4 other discus in the tank, none are showing any bloat or other symptoms of anything.


03-03-2008, 08:00 PM
How long do you normally dose Kanamycin, just 4 days or keep going for longer? I've done 4 days now with 50% WC in between each one. There seems to be minimal improvement, but not sure how long to keep going with this. Using about 1/8 tsp in a 10gal tank.


03-03-2008, 08:20 PM
Hi Trevor,
Usually kanamycin starts working very quickly... if after 4-5 it hasn't started to work....It probably won''t..Since it may be working..I'd give it another 1-2 days.....then re-evaluate.

One ? I should have asked earlier... you said epsom did not work? what dose and duration did you use?


03-03-2008, 09:08 PM
Al, first I tried 1 Tablespoon/10gal and later re-dosed w/ 2T/10gal. Put 1T in the 10 gal tank when I first moved this guy, but haven't re-dosed since.
