View Full Version : Two Pairs in a 55 Gallon

02-19-2008, 10:40 PM
Has anyone ever raised fry from two pairs living in the same tank without a divider? I have two pairs, one spawned yesterday and the other is spawning as I type this. They are young fish and the males haven't quite figured out how to fertilize, or my parameters aren't quite right because the eggs turn white and don't hatch.

Sorry, I'm not the best photographer.

Thanks in advance,

White Worm
02-19-2008, 10:58 PM
depending on their age, it may be time to get them their own little love shacks and use the 55g for growouts. :D

02-20-2008, 12:53 AM
depending on their age, it may be time to get them their own little love shacks and use the 55g for growouts. :D

I may have to, but have been in tank reduction mode for two months. Will have two empty 29s soon. Then its down to just the 55. Oh, how simple life will be :)

Thanks for the reply,

02-21-2008, 11:56 PM
I like 29's for breeding, IMO they are much better than 20's, I just think its way to cramped to keep my breeders in a 20.
I dont like separating my pairs, and I also dont like them breeding like crazy, I dont have room for all those babies! I leave them all together in a 29 until they are about 1/2 dollar size them I move them and let mom & dad get back at it again.

02-22-2008, 01:03 PM
The problem you will run into having two pairs and no divider with fry is that you will not know which fry goes to which parent. Plus, the parents get very aggressive and territorial when they have fry (at times). This might cause some fry to get eaten or killed as they grow. I would advise a divider but I recommend putting them in there own breeder tank. ;)

02-23-2008, 12:14 AM
I like 29's for breeding, IMO they are much better than 20's, I just think its way to cramped to keep my breeders in a 20.
I dont like separating my pairs, and I also dont like them breeding like crazy, I dont have room for all those babies! I leave them all together in a 29 until they are about 1/2 dollar size them I move them and let mom & dad get back at it again.

I'll try that if I move one of the pairs Tom.

Thanks :thumbsup:

The problem you will run into having two pairs and no divider with fry is that you will not know which fry goes to which parent. Plus, the parents get very aggressive and territorial when they have fry (at times). This might cause some fry to get eaten or killed as they grow. I would advise a divider but I recommend putting them in there own breeder tank. ;)

There will be no problem knowing who the parents are this time. The ones that spawned on the lift tube are a newly formed pair. The male hasn't figured out how to do his part yet. ;)

The pair that spawned sideways on the flowerpot have wigglers right now, but probably not for long since they have become very aggressive. I think I have to fire up another tank. :confused:


02-23-2008, 01:52 AM
I never successfully raised spawns this way. One pair would either try and steal the other's fry or eat them. The fry would also swim back and forth to both pairs, when both parents had spawns.


02-24-2008, 01:28 PM
I never successfully raised spawns this way. One pair would either try and steal the other's fry or eat them. The fry would also swim back and forth to both pairs, when both parents had spawns.


You were spot on with your prediction Mat. I got home from work yesterday and all the fry were gone. Both pairs lightened up from their post-spawn darkness and wanted to be fed.

02-25-2008, 06:11 PM
Here is an old post by JT/Nightowl a friend of mine that use to post. They are from Jan 2004. It's real interestring. Unfortunately the photos may be lost. http://forum.simplydiscus.com//showthread.php?t=33930 Rich

02-25-2008, 09:29 PM
I see it's possible! Well, not in my tank anyway. Thanks for the link.

02-26-2008, 08:14 PM
Here is an old post by JT/Nightowl a friend of mine that use to post. They are from Jan 2004. It's real interestring. Unfortunately the photos may be lost. http://forum.simplydiscus.com//showthread.php?t=33930 Rich

Spoke to JT about a month ago, he lives not far from me, he's doing well and is about to get setup again, he really knows his stuff, as he was schooled by the Discus master Gil Curtain. I've tried to get him to get back up on the forum. ( he plays a mean lead guitar!)