View Full Version : Gill plate problems

02-22-2008, 03:06 PM
I am quite new with juvenile discus so I can not tell what their problem is. Do their gill plate look normal?


They have white spot disease and currently treat with Prodac white spot ....and raise the temp to 92. This is third day I find them having white spots on the skin /fin/even gill surface and sometimes they scratch themselves against the sponge in the tank. Otherwise, they are doing fine and eat lots of brine shrimps. Could it be simply white spot disease or parasites(fluke)as well. What is the right procedures I should take? I am trying to stay away from formalin solution. Are there any med can treat both? Thanks!



02-22-2008, 04:48 PM
Looks to be some eggs on the uptake pipe. Not sure that the white spots you see are ich, may just be a water related issue. The gill colour is fine, but the gill does look flared, if this is new then I would suspect something is bugging them. If you had a scope you could take a scrape and be certain. I'd guess it's either a water quality issue or some form of external parasite.

Increasing w/c amount and/or frequency is a good start. After that maybe FMG or prazi.

02-23-2008, 02:01 PM
Thanks Paul, I agree the gill look flared. Will the gill stay that way as they grow? I just received them this Tuesday from a friend. The white spot faded after using Prodac Ich Cure(Only one with two spots). They eat a lot but still scratch themselves occasionally. I guess I am going to pour some med in after the ich treatment.


02-23-2008, 02:40 PM
I would be surprised if there wasn't some ick cysts within the gills themselves and that's why they are being held out. Continue with the chem treatment.

Formalin and malachite green will get both, generally


02-24-2008, 01:35 PM
Thanks Graham, I am going to put malachite green in when I am done with the Ich treatment. I know the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of parasites is using formalin solution but afraid of the possibilities of causing cancer. I once spilled 20ml on floor. That's really unforgettable experience. Below is the pic after treatment:


02-26-2008, 01:03 PM
Today the white spots are all gone but one of the juvens not eating the whole day. I found its feces are 80% transparent and 20% white. I saw him scratching against the tank twice today and found him hanging around with no interest in anything and a little bit like drifting but his body color is still the same. I wonder it's Hexa or fluke? What should I do now? Even last night he ate like a pig. Due to some reason these two days I did W/C(twice a day, one in morning and one at night) 10~20 minutes after I fed them with their stomach full. I know it's a bad habit but I just can not bear to see them begging for food.

Anyone has suggestions? Tonight I have stop White Spot treatment. Should I do Formalin bath or put metro in first?
The tank temp is 86F and only two sponge filters are used.