View Full Version : First Post in SD! Sadly my new Pets are sick.

02-23-2008, 07:59 AM
Hello Everyone,

First off, I just wanted to say that this is a great site, and although I'm still very new to Discus keeping, I feel that I've gained so much from just browsing and reading what members here have posted. Thanks a bunch.

Well I've actually wanted to rear Discus for a long time, and since I've moved into a bigger place, I decided to go for it.

I have a Bare Bottom 50 Gallon high tank, Jaeger 100W heater, 2 Eheim Pro II 2026's (One fully cycled, one new) and heavy aeration from two air stones.

My Tank Parameters are as follows:

Nitrates, Ammonia = 0.
Nitrites 0.5ppm (Mild treatment with Sera Nitrivec now)
PH 7.5
Water Temp 93F
Salt -> One Tablespoon / 10 Gallons
Medication -> 250mg Metro / 10 Gallons

Ok so now on to why I've started medicating.

When I visited my LFS, he was treating a whole tank of juvenile BDs, RWs, Ghosts, that had contracted a flagellate infection (white poo in abundant amounts).

As I happen to know this LFS owner quite well (I have a 60G planted tank which I have enjoyed for a few years now) he suggested that I take this lot of 13 fellas to care for first. I knew full well what I was getting into, these poor guys were already sick, but I decided to try it out. It wasn't a matter of getting a good deal, in fact I paid him close to what he was originally asking for them. I know it was a jump into the deep end but I had to try anyway.

So, I brought them back, put them in, bumped up the temp slowly to 93F from 84F over 3 days, started the salt treatment and the metro. On Day 2, they were great, still a little timid, but they were eating. Day 3 proved to be even better, with the whole bunch of them swimming up and down the tank, some even fighting. So I thought things were looking up, until yesterday.

Yesterday they reverted to being very easily spooked, even a slight shadow would send them to the bottom corner, even BH which they have come to love, couldn't entice them out. I did not do anything different, they are still on the meds, and I do a 25% WC daily (treated with prime, PH tested, warmed and aerated).

Should I black out the rear of the tank, it is currently about 4 inches from a beige colored wall.

Today is more or less them same, they do sneak out once in a while, but they look lethargic and out of it.

They have no visible outward infections, and some of the white poo is still evident.

What should I do? I would love to hear your views, I accept any criticisms too. LOL!

Kind Regards,

Don Trinko
02-23-2008, 09:22 AM
I wouldn't wory abought the spooking. They are still very new to that tank. If they are eating well and look good they will probably be fine. You might cosider some fake plants so they can hide when spooked but many just have sponge filter and no other place to hide. Don T.

02-23-2008, 11:07 AM
Hi Don,

Thanks for your reply, will observe them for now then.


02-23-2008, 11:25 AM
Hey Jon! Welcome to Simply:)

If I read this wrong....tell me...:o But you have 13 discus in a 50gal?

And ~

You don't seem to have any NitrAtes....you should have some...I think! Wait for others to chime in ~

02-23-2008, 11:34 AM
Thanks Kindred,

Yeah I have 13 guys in a 50G, I know thats small, I have an 80G which was supposed to come in today but the tank maker accidentally chipped one pane, so the silicon is gonna need some extra time to cure.

At the moment nitrates are at 0, PH at 7.3.


02-23-2008, 01:53 PM

Keep up with the water changes and they will be fine... I'm not sure 100W heater is enough - it may be working too hard.

I would recomment putting in 2 - 100W heaters in case one fails and to help keep the temp of the tank more even.

02-23-2008, 04:35 PM
Hi Bill,

My temp has been fluctuating abit, about 2 - 3DegF at its greatest.
I might pop in and get another one, thanks for that!


02-23-2008, 10:34 PM
Welcome to Simply Jon.
First off I think you should be doing more WC's with so many fish in a 50gal. I'd be doing at least one large (80%) wc daily for that many juvies in a 50. Also, having 0 ammonia and 0 nitrates is not possible. If your filter is cycled and there is 0 ammonia then the ammonia has been converted to nitrates and it will show up on a test. If it's not cycled you will have ammonia. Make sure the test kits aren't too old. Maybe have a lfs check them for you.
Since they were acting fine for two days, then got skittish, something changed. Could be ammo and/or nitrite buildup, water quality dropping, shadows or ?. Watch for clues as to what it might be and check parameters.
Good luck with your new guys and hoe they turn around for you.


02-24-2008, 12:14 PM
Hi Kaceyo,

You are right, My Nitrates are at 0.5mg/l.

Nitrites and Ammonia at 0.

I did an 80% WC, they are eating voraciously, but, everytime I come close, they still skittle away. So I have to watch them eat from afar...

It seems that they dont like the color blue? I dunno...Maybe I should change my shirt...


02-24-2008, 03:47 PM
Don't baby them too much. They need to get used to you so you'll want to spend alot of time in front of the tank. And if there is something else causing them to be skittish, watching their behaviour will help to figure out what the problem is.