View Full Version : advice

alan j t
02-23-2008, 06:28 PM
hi all
i still have a couple of juvies not in the swing of things yet
there appetite is not really there yet
i see them eat maybe one piece of frozen food when thawed out and tossed in the tank
i even put it squirted food in several parts of the tank so they can take there time to eat but they dont seem interested
everyone else are little piggies
they already recieved there first dose of prazi and popped out some clear poop

so im thinking the 2 juvies get there own bb tank
and add some live blood worms or tubivex (dont know if its the same thing)the lfs carrys them

im trying to locate some garlic guard/extact but it seems hopeless
unless i order it

so can i try live worms for now or am i asking for it
the fish are getting really skinny and not eating enough to put back the weight
any advice will be well taken

alan j t
02-23-2008, 06:51 PM
so they have there own tank
and i found some garlic extreme by kent
i added 2 tbl sp of sea salt and temp is at 88

so when do i feed and add the garlic
hope they get compfy soon so they will eat

alan j t
02-26-2008, 02:46 AM
hi everyone
well out of the two discus in a q tank one has been eating
the other not really at all
he has lost so much weight its scary

can someone please give me some advice on what to do
i feel like i tried everything from live food to meds
i even leave extra food so the skinny discus can take his time but nada
once again anyone out there to throw in there there wisdom
to give a discus lover some help

Elite Aquaria
02-26-2008, 08:46 AM
When it comes to diseased fish I am clearly not an expert. But I would think that you need to use some metro sounds like you have some internal parasites.

alan j t
02-26-2008, 02:06 PM
metro it is

02-26-2008, 04:29 PM
Increasing the temp to between 90F and 92F can also help improve the appitite along with helping the metro to do it's job. Don't leave any food in the tank as it only makes the water foul which adds to the problem. When it's ready to eat it will eat and that should take less time in clean water.


alan j t
02-26-2008, 05:07 PM
ok i will up the temp as well