View Full Version : has anyone used seachem metro

03-03-2008, 11:55 PM
I have just started to treat my bd with this med ,my questions is, it is 100% metronidazole. They say in the instructions to put in up to 250mg/per 10 U.S gallons and repeat every 2 days untill symptoms disappear.
All the info I have read so far on simply( most are using the metro tablets from a Vet ) dose up to 500mg per 10 us gallons every 8 hr,need help,should I follow the directions on the product .

P.S. They never mention water changes or to increase the temp to 90 degrees.

03-04-2008, 12:31 AM
I have never used it but you can buy a better quantity of it at www.jehmco.com and I believe it's cheaper that way.


03-04-2008, 09:10 AM
Hi Rick,

I am currently using the Seachem Metro to treat my discus. I am dosing about 500mg /20 gallons daily and do about 40% water change daily. I am at day 4 and white poop still exist.


03-04-2008, 11:20 PM
Ha Kin:
So we are using the same dose,the only thing we are doing different is I have my temp is at 89f could not get it any higher,and at the advise of the breeder i am only doing less than 10% water change but watching the numbers very carefully.
As he has said, as there is not much waste in the tank, because the fish is not eating the amm and nitrites should stay low till he starts to eat.
After I had my bd in the QT tank with the metro he had a big bump of white poop,he has been in the QT tank for one day.
I gave him about 6 or 7 frozen bloodworm approx and he ate them,hopefully good sign.
Keep me posted

p.s I plan to give him 250 mg each day, not every 2 days as mention in the directions,what are you doing.

03-04-2008, 11:23 PM
Sorry did not see you were doing daily doses,good to know your doing the same.


03-06-2008, 11:33 PM
How are you guys doing ,are they getting and better? I am on day 3 of treatment and my bd seems to be getting better ,I feed him a few bloodworms this morning and this evening and he ate them.
But still not sure he is ok yet but it is a good sign.

03-14-2008, 03:38 AM
also blood worm is not that much good to improve a sick fish i gave them live california black worms (dont give them too much they might upset their somach) they eat it readilly like crazy, good amount of protein, your discus will get stronger everyday with this food they cant resist it. but be carefull if you decide to feed these worms make sure you get them from a reliable source there is a section about these worms in the nutrition section.

03-14-2008, 11:37 AM
I tried it and it works. I use the same dosage as you.

03-15-2008, 11:47 PM
Ha Guys
Thanks for all your comment and advise it's great to know other ways that work.
After about 7 days of treating him with metro and still feeding him with bloodworms he still had white feces,I looked a sample through a microscope and could see little triangle things swimming
I mixed up one tablespoon tetra bite and a little water to make a paste and added one measure of the metro to it,put the paste on wax paper flatted it out and put in in the freezer.
I then feed him some bloodwoms and small amount of the frozen tetra mix twice a day,this is now day 6 since I started with the medicated food and metro in the water at the same time and his feces are dark and I scoped the feces and can find nothing.
To day I stopped putting the metro in the water but will continue the medicated food for another week,by then I hope he will be ready to put back in the main tank.
What do you think how long should I wait before putting him in the tank.

03-15-2008, 11:55 PM
i would wait 10 days just to make sure he has gained his strenght. so he can fight for food in the main tank.

03-28-2008, 11:16 PM
I am ready to put them back in the main tank,the QT is 89F ph 8.11. main tank 89F ph 8.26 ,should I just take them from the QT and put them directly into the main tank ,put them in plastic bags and bring the numbers to match the main tank or do the drop and flop.
Need your help.