View Full Version : Marlboro red yellow face became albino?

03-04-2008, 01:31 PM
I bought 3 weeks a go 4 new discus marlboro red yellow face, and in last 7 days one of them lost its coloration and became almost albino? Fish acts normally ?

03-04-2008, 10:59 PM
Sounds like the breeder juiced them up, maybe hormones.
I was in a LFS yesterday looking at maybe 1" assorted Discus that just came into the store sunday evening. I was thinking these fish have to be enhanced with something for the colors to be so pronounced on these fish. I have 2 different clutches of young fish
(older and larger), turquois and BSS, from 2 different pairs, and just now the colors are starting to really come in, so I wonder if alot of the fish coming in from the "rim" are enhanced.
Opinions anyone?


03-05-2008, 02:29 AM
Albinism is the total lack of pigment, not a sudden lighening of body color. Are the pupils of the eye red? If not, it is not an albino, and you have a sick discus.


03-05-2008, 07:43 AM
Albinism is the total lack of pigment, not a sudden lighening of body color. Are the pupils of the eye red? If not, it is not an albino, and you have a sick discus.


yes all of them have red eye. i just accured this 4 discus like 15 days a go and only this one had this changes of color? but strange thing to me is that this discus is not stresses and it is behaving normal as the other 3 do ? all 4 discus are from the start in bare bottom , quarantine 140L aquarium. also other 3 are eating better than he is? what sickness it might be? If you want I can put picture of this little one.

03-05-2008, 07:47 AM
Sounds like the breeder juiced them up, maybe hormones.
I was in a LFS yesterday looking at maybe 1" assorted Discus that just came into the store sunday evening. I was thinking these fish have to be enhanced with something for the colors to be so pronounced on these fish. I have 2 different clutches of young fish
(older and larger), turquois and BSS, from 2 different pairs, and just now the colors are starting to really come in, so I wonder if alot of the fish coming in from the "rim" are enhanced.
Opinions anyone?


I think that producers of fish in Asia treat lot of fishes who doesnt have good coloration when they are small with hormones, so that fish have better coloration when small which means that fish will sell better.

this is especially fact with discus , who needs much time to grow out and have its full size and coloration.

03-05-2008, 03:35 PM
It's my understanding that solid red fish are enhanced with synthetic astaxanthin and cathanxantin rather than hormones. This generaly means the colors don't ware off very quickly like they do with hormones. It does sound like your fish may have an illness so keep a close eye on it for other symptoms along with the fading color and decreased appitite.


03-05-2008, 04:45 PM
It's my understanding that solid red fish are enhanced with synthetic astaxanthin and cathanxantin rather than hormones. This generaly means the colors don't ware off very quickly like they do with hormones.

That's what I'm thinking, hormones or color enhancers would not fade so fast:confused:

I thought I heard somewhere that sometimes small discus are hormoned early on by the breeder to judge possible keepers and let go the lesser ones and not necessaraly to hype sells????

03-05-2008, 07:33 PM
I thought I heard somewhere that sometimes small discus are hormoned early on by the breeder to judge possible keepers and let go the lesser ones and not necessaraly to hype sells????

I believe they call it "grading" the discus, so they know which ones are worth putting time and money into growing out. I know it's done with spotteds and is likely used on other strains I'm not aware of. It's supposed to be much less harmful than juicing to color up fish for immediate sale if it's done right tho I don't know how true that is.


03-06-2008, 09:23 AM
Sounds like a sick or stressed fish to me but what do I know. ;)

03-06-2008, 12:51 PM
I believe they call it "grading" the discus, so they know which ones are worth putting time and money into growing out. I know it's done with spotteds and is likely used on other strains I'm not aware of. It's supposed to be much less harmful than juicing to color up fish for immediate sale if it's done right tho I don't know how true that is.


I knew I wasn't that far off;) Thanks Kacey for explaining

03-06-2008, 12:58 PM
Sounds like a sick or stressed fish to me but what do I know. ;)

yes fish is stressed or sick but I cant tell . Fish just lost its color and most of time is shy in the corner while other 3 little ones are behaving normal. I will now put some pics of the fishes so you can help me find out what can be problem with this one.

03-06-2008, 01:06 PM
this are pics of my new juvies.

this with faded colors is this one I am worried about

what do you suggest?

Elite Aquaria
03-06-2008, 01:18 PM

Those fish are not Albino...

03-06-2008, 01:27 PM

Those fish are not Albino...

no they are not of course but this little one lost its color for few days that its skin was almost like with albinos. trying to figure what is problem with this one who dont have coloration like others.

03-06-2008, 10:42 PM
I have seen where a light colored fish like that was actually much darker due to stress when it was first put in the tank. After a few days when it became acclimated, it lightened up. So, IMO this is the opposite of what you think, and in a clutch of siblings there will be a variance of colors, like you have. But it definitely is not an albino as previously posted.

03-07-2008, 01:09 AM
I don't think he ever said it was an albino. Only that it got so light in color that it was like an albino.


03-07-2008, 05:59 AM
yes thats right kaceyo.

I have better news for today, this little one who lost its color finally started picking some food from the bottom when I put tetras blood worms in jelly in the tank. He was also chaising other 3 for some time. I hope it will be ok. I think he was just stress from the transport , water change and all that.

03-07-2008, 10:34 AM
Good news. I hope he snaps out of it for ya.


03-07-2008, 10:56 AM
i am sure that he will survive . i am just worried that all this doesnt affect him to stun his growth.

03-07-2008, 03:25 PM
Keep a close eye on him for any unusual behavior or symptoms. Fading color can indicate an internal problem which hopefully will go away on it's own with good clean water and light feedings.


03-07-2008, 07:59 PM
i change 40-50% water daily and today this little one eated beaf heart and after that he started slowly to regain his color , i hope he will be ok in next few days. seems that magic formula was raising temperature from 29C to 31C and added aquarium salt :)