View Full Version : O.K. Forrest - are ya trying to kill me here ??

03-06-2008, 07:59 AM
Well, low and behold !
Just mentioned the HB Flamingos, and here they come !!!
AND the San Merah's with them, March 19th to Utah.
I hope you or Edy is also planning on sending me another tank.........
Those fish are gorgous, you KNOW I will have to have some.......
How I'm going to pull it off ? I haven't figured that out yet !
Looking forward to seeing these guy's

03-06-2008, 08:56 AM
Hey Brenda ~ you so can not post this thread without pictures, woman!! How exciting!

How many do you have now?

03-06-2008, 10:13 AM
Hey Marie !
How's it going ?
Fronts doing good ? They sure are pretty. I hope your enjoying them.
I've been about to die for those Flamingos ever since Forrest posted them back in Jan.
And the San Merah's have always been on of my favorites.
I was trying to take a poke at Forrest there :D
I have 15 Discus at this time, the only way I can get anymore, is to set up another tank, which I have been forbade to do !!!
But I may have to wiggle one in somehow under these circumstances
HB Flamingos, I can almost taste it !!!
You betch I'll be posting pics if I can swing this. I don't have them YET, they won't be in town until March 19th. So that leaves me about two weeks to beg the Hubby into another tank. Wish me luck ;)
Problem for me is that I like everyone I see, so it's become MTS at it's finest !!
You know how that goes !!! :p

03-07-2008, 04:11 AM
hi Brenda,
i got a little confuse while i saw ur post.now i understand that u maybe mixed up my fishes n tony's fishes.Edy get my fishes n also tony's,lol.
btw,thank u very much for ur support.

best rgds,

03-07-2008, 06:51 AM
Yep they are YOUR Flamingos Forrest !
Edy does get many many nice fish, and there was a typo on the web site, which he has now fixed. And I corrected my post too.
But I figured "Flamingos" they must be comming from you.
I just can't wait till they get here !
You send SOOOO many nice fish out this way.
I just love all of mine.
Thanks Forrest :)

03-07-2008, 09:02 AM
Hey Marie !
How's it going ?
Fronts doing good ? They sure are pretty. I hope your enjoying them.


I am doing great, Brenda! And my Fronts are really growing big too ~ I can not wait to see your pictures of the Flamingos, woman!

I know hubby will give in ~ you know how to make that happen!

03-20-2008, 05:35 PM
I'm going to see Edy tomarrow.....