View Full Version : Sunken eye

Don Trinko
03-07-2008, 07:39 PM
I have a fish that has one eye thet has sunk in. The fish is otherwise healthy and eats well. I have a book on fish disease, It has a picture that looks just like my fish's eye. It say's to isolate the fish ( I have) but there is not much hope of curing the problem.
1. Do they mean the fish will die? or loose it's eye? or what?
2. It also say's that it is an internal bacteria. Did I do something to cause this? Could I have done something to prevent it?
3. Where did this bacteria come from?
Water is: 85 degrees, ph 7.4, Amonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates about 2 ( more than 0 but less than 5), TDS 400, GH 7, KH 11. Gravel bottom with fake plants. 29g with 4 BD
Thanks; Don T.

03-07-2008, 08:12 PM
Don, who knows where the bacteria come from. Could be airborne, could be latent. If you have introduced any new fish to any tank it is possible it's been transferred as you do tank maint etc.

If you have 4 BD's in a 29, then were there 5 before you isolated this fish? Are these juvvies or adulst? It's a bit over crowded so the fish will likely be stressed, lowered iimmunity so open to infection. Gravel won't help in these cases too.

I would think the prognosis is not good for the fish, sorry.

Don Trinko
03-07-2008, 09:05 PM
There were 4, now there are 3. I have had them a year. They all grew well. ( 5 to 6") This is the 1st problem in that tank. Don T.

03-08-2008, 07:00 AM
ok, still a tad cosy but with good husbandry doable.