View Full Version : I finally got it

03-09-2008, 02:53 PM
86 degreees + 3-5 feeding per day + lots of feces = a ton of work to keep discus

I do a water change everyday of 10 gallons in my 90 gallon and a big cleaning on saturdays. I do not keep a bare bottom because my tank is a show piece for guests. I also include a few neons driftwood and anubias.

My timed feeder dumps food in 3x per day and i supplement with frozen food. Although they attack the food when it drops in they leave alot uneaten. How can i make things easier for myself. Currently filtered by and AC500 and A Micron cartridge in my HOT magnum.

White Worm
03-09-2008, 06:33 PM
Larger water changes and a bb tank.

03-09-2008, 09:38 PM
I have no experience with auto feeders and this is a question I have been wondering about (considering buying one) but can you not adjust how much they drop each feeding if there is a lot left over?

03-10-2008, 11:54 AM
Add some corys to eat the food that gets to the bottom. Also possibly some of the Apistogramma sp do well at discus tank temps and will eat near the bottom.

03-10-2008, 09:23 PM
I agree that you need some bottom feeders to take care of the leftovers. Corys and/or Kuhli loaches would be my vote. Both do an excellent job of cleaning up leftover food.

03-10-2008, 09:48 PM
I am a believer, that if there is food left on the bottom, then you are over-feeding, my discus do not leave anything on the bottom.
