View Full Version : Chinese algae eaters

03-18-2008, 09:07 PM
got some chinese algae eaters to eat my hair algae (unsuccessfuly)all ive read says that they get big and aggresive. They chase each other and occasionally the rummynose but no probs so far, they are cleaning the plant leaves enthusiastically. If they start to misbehave ill take them back if i can catch them.
still looking for somthing that will eat the hair algae might try a ruby shark.

03-19-2008, 11:08 AM
Watch them closely...

03-19-2008, 11:19 AM
Do you mean Chinese or Siamese? It's the Siamese that will eat hair algae... and while the Siamese will occasionally chase each other around, they never bother other fish-- I have five in my tank, and they're now almost five inches long, and the other fish, discus included, simply ignore them. But I will have to lose them soon; the bioload's getting to the point where I'll have to lose somebody soon, and it sure won't be the discus!
If you're looking for the Siamese, make sure you get the real ones. Sometimes, there's another type tihat is sold as Siamese but isn't. You can tell the diff because the real ones have a serrated-edge lateral black line through their middle that extends right into the tail. The fake ones have a smooth line that quits at the tailfin.

03-19-2008, 01:53 PM
I have siamensis in my discus tank [x 6 years]. They've never bothered the discus or any of the other fish, have grown to 5+ inches torpedos, and since they got to be about 3" they also don't bother algae....they figured out the deal with easy meals a couple times a day and since then have been retired from their original profession....i.e. they worked great when young only, in my tank.
Ditto the siamensis vs. false or Chinese algae eaters. caveat The Chinese algae eaters are aggressive and maddening...look for the black line to run THROUGH the clear tail rays for siamensis.
Best regards

03-19-2008, 05:07 PM
CAE and SAE do not look anything alike.
If you have a CAE in a discus tank, take it out. They will be too aggressive and they do not eat hair algae.
False SAE or Flying Fox, they do eat hair algae but not as much as a true SAE will. FFox are fine with discus.


Young Chinese Algae Eaters can be kept in community, but adult specimens can be aggressive to other fish. They most often attack slow-swimming, flat-bodied fish and shouldn't be kept with them.
Good thing discus are not flat bodied and slow swimming.

03-20-2008, 03:42 AM
yup the LFS said that they were chinese, they never heard of siamese algae eaters i might have to take a picture. And its brush algae that there not eating. but they are doing an ok job so far with the other algae. Ill move them when they misbehave, if they survive repeatedly going over the overflow for the wet/dry filter.

03-20-2008, 07:32 AM
Here are my Chinese Alage Eaters ~ at least that is what the lfs stated they were ~

I loved them...but they are not too bright, IMO....it seemed, to me, that it took them a long time to find alage! But when then did, they sucked it right up:D

Darrell Ward
03-29-2008, 12:28 AM
In my experience, small Chinese algae eaters are fine with discus, and eat most algae in the tank, and anything else they can find. The problem arises when they start growing. After they get about 3" or larger, they start getting aggressive, and try to latch on to the discus. Discus can easily avoid their moves, but they are still pests at this point. This is when they should be removed IMO.

Sam Chicklets
05-04-2008, 11:56 PM
Chinese algae eaters are horrible fish, they would prefer to suck slime off another fish than eat algae. I would get rid of them fast if I were you.

05-05-2008, 11:21 AM
Had huge problems with Chinese. And catching them was not easy in heavily planted tank. Made a mess and scared the discus. But it was worth it. Chinese will attack discus sooner or later.

05-07-2008, 04:28 PM
Chinese Algae Eaters are one of the most useless of fish introduced to the hobby let alone to keep with discus. I also advise you to take them out ASP.