View Full Version : Tank Background Color

03-19-2008, 09:11 AM
I have option to get tank with either Clear, Black or Dark blue Corbalt. Which background would bring out Marlboro Red, Red Melon and Pigeons? Or which ones will bring out Discus colors more?

Dr. Tankenstein
03-19-2008, 09:45 AM
I just learned this lesson the hard way....DO USE BLACK. I recently purchased some beautiful Albino White Eruptions X Red Melon discus. In the breeders tank, they had no peppering at all. I placed them in my planted tank (with black background and black substrate) and they are now heavily peppered. It is a 'natural' response, they are trying to blend in with their environment. Live and learn. I'd go with a light blue background, like many breeders/sellers use. It would prevent peppering and really show off the red in your melons. Good Luck!

Dr. T

03-19-2008, 10:13 AM
Thanks Dr. Tankenstein, I'll go with Blue Corbalt color for my background!

03-19-2008, 11:01 AM
I have been through this as well, started with a dramatic black background...after a few years of scratching my head I repainted a light blue--the difference in the color presentation of all my discus is really significant. Additionally, they are more gregarious in behavior since I repainted a year ago--more bold and social. Go LIGHT!!!
Best regards

03-19-2008, 11:04 AM

03-19-2008, 11:23 AM

03-19-2008, 11:24 AM
The lighter the color the better IMO.

03-19-2008, 12:13 PM
I agree with light! I had a dark blue background with some RT's an they stayed dark. I got a new tank an painted a light blue back ground on it an the color change in the discus was dramatic! :)


Don Trinko
03-19-2008, 12:20 PM
Get poster board from Wallmart and tape it on. If you change your mind it comes off easily without emptying the tank. Don T.

03-19-2008, 12:34 PM
Ocean blue

03-19-2008, 04:57 PM
Hi. I've tried a variety of colors and materials and find the light blue styrofoam insulation panels work the best. I velcro them on. You can get them at home depot etc. The discus love the light color and the insulation keeps the tank warmer longer and its cheap and comes in large enough sheets to fit any tank. I use it on the back and the one side that is almost against the wall. Their colors seem brighter and they are much more active than with black or dark blue. HTH Sue

03-21-2008, 11:49 AM
I painted the sides and backs of my tanks slate blue. It is a nice color. A little bit more toned down than the aquamarine/turquoise or as I like to call it, swimming pool blue.
Here are some examples of tanks painted with slate blue. It is one of te colors that shows off most fish well.
Here is a photo of my communal spawning tank for Corydoras hastatus.

Then on my six new 40 gal breeder tanks.
Here is a close up vie of one of the 40's with juvenile red turquoise, Strisoma and Leopard frog Peckoltia sp. L134.

03-21-2008, 01:30 PM
I also WAY prefer the lightened tone down look--I have a light blue with a hint of green in it that seems pretty good. I did love the flashy drama of the black background against the color of the fish and plants dearly, but is was such a poor idea for my discus' color and their psychology. This light color is sort of a non color to me but the effect on the tank is worth it for certain.
Best regards

03-21-2008, 01:46 PM
Way back when I posted about this same issue, someone had suggested using a white background. I've tried the white and it did looked great, and depending on what color Discus you have, it can be just as dramatic as a black background. I too tried black, and wound up with super peppered PBs that had been clean, a BD that turned NAVY blue, (so dark that I could barely see her against the black), etc. Now I have a very light blue green, that turns a light silver gray at night with the light on. Huge difference in how the Discus look. Also important is what color substrate you have, or if BB, what color you have under the glass bottom. That should be light colored as well.

03-21-2008, 05:18 PM
I just learned this lesson the hard way....DO USE BLACK. I recently purchased some beautiful Albino White Eruptions X Red Melon discus. In the breeders tank, they had no peppering at all. I placed them in my planted tank (with black background and black substrate) and they are now heavily peppered. It is a 'natural' response, they are trying to blend in with their environment. Live and learn. I'd go with a light blue background, like many breeders/sellers use. It would prevent peppering and really show off the red in your melons. Good Luck!

Dr. Thia all,
i also had a black background but took it off i have some checkerboards that have also gained some peppering will this go with a lighter background .
thanks nidge,

03-23-2008, 08:43 AM
Is This true to all discus or just PB's. I will remove my black background today if this is for all discus! My discus look brown. I'm a novice and don't want to be doing something wrong. Thanks.

03-24-2008, 09:47 AM
Is This true to all discus or just PB's. I will remove my black background today if this is for all discus! My discus look brown. I'm a novice and don't want to be doing something wrong. Thanks.

All discus are influenced by their environment. I believe some strains don't change as much as others in the presence of a dark background and substrate [or tank bottom] but in general, my experience is that they ALL look better with a light color back/bottom. Pigeon bloods are notorious for peppering up, Turqs [all varieties] and Blues like cobalts, diamonds, etc also were significantly better looking in my tank when I dumped the black background in favor of a light blue green and changed out the medium brown gravel for pool sand [a pale buff color]. Don't think it affected pure non pigeon based yellows or reds as much. I don't know what happens with albinos...
Any one else want to chime in here?
Good luck,

03-24-2008, 10:17 AM
Sometimes I think of changing from light blue to white with all my Blue fish. it might look better ?
Have some of you had blue fish with white and light blue background ? which one look best to you ?
