View Full Version : Help with diagnosis

03-19-2008, 05:58 PM
I've just noticed in my tank of melons and mandarin passions that the two mandarin passions have a couple of cloudy/white patches on their bodies. I can't really tell for sure if it's a cottony growth or just excess slime in those areas. I would lean more toward the latter if I had to make a guess. I've only noticed it on those two but some of the melons are holding one pectoral fin against their bodies at any given time. As are the MP's with the patches.

I know that's not alot to go on, but I'm not sure if it's a fungal, bacterial thing or an external parasite.

They are acting alright for the most part, interested in eating, have good color, etc. One is a bit clamped up overall but it's also the runt of the bunch so that could just be down to being at the bottom of the pecking order.

They were recently moved into a different tank, I don't know if there was something present in the tank that's getting to them or what. I wouldn't hardly think so, but anything is possible. It was a used tank.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do, if anything?


03-19-2008, 06:26 PM
I would definately keep daily water changes for a while. Maybe salt at 4 to 5 tblsp/10 gal. Keep the tank very clean. You could increase the temp... but if bacterial a bit of a risk.
If they get worse you might try quick cure or rid ich + but then the temp should only be 85F and extra aeration.


03-19-2008, 06:32 PM
Ok I will give that a try. They just got moved to a 125 so I'd really hate to have to medicate that huge tank, so salting for now sounds good to me! :) The temp is 84-85 right now, I think I'll leave that be unless they start acting worse. Right now I'm not super worried but I'd like to try to nip the issue before it gets a hold on them.


03-21-2008, 12:49 AM
Ok, I salted the tank at the recommended dosage last night after water change. They seemed some better today. No clamped pectoral fins at least. Some still have the white/grey patches on them though if you look closely. Most of them seemed interested in eating and are keeping good color. I redosed the tank with salt tonight after water change.

How long should I keep the salt treatment up?

03-21-2008, 01:30 AM
keep the temp around 82 - 84 (if they are use to 84 keep it there)

I agree with salt, discus seems to do very well in 1 Tables spoon per 10 galons for a long time (probably has to do with osmoregulation)

Because the you can visually monitor the symptoms easily, keep the 4 TBSP/10 gal for at 5 days... if you see that they don't like that reduce it to 1 TBSP/10 gal (I doubt you will have to do that... they should tolerate up to 10 TBSP/10 gal no problem).

If the symptom don't reduce in 5 day, report it here, it will be time to try something else (while keeping some salt in).

Don't make the mistake of being impatient and jumping right away in other treatment, always aim for 7 days improvement at a time (improvment, not total cure ).

so stick to salt for a 5 daya, and report with pictures if you can