View Full Version : What type of albinos are they?

03-22-2008, 02:28 PM
hi all, in response to Xavier's question of what type of albino is in the last picture of my previous photo post subject "My other albinos". Sorry Xavier, i am really not sure. May be some other more experience members here can have a guess since i wouldn't mind to know too. If possible, can people also guess or tell me what type of the other albinos are? It would be nice to actually know what am i keeping in my tanks. For e.g. the one in the third picture was sold to me as albino turq. but i don't really buy that. I like this fish so i thought who cares about the name. It used to have a lot more pattern and as it grows a lot of the patterns closed up and forming solid color instead. What strain of discus does that? Thanks.

Kenny's Discus
03-22-2008, 03:20 PM
Hi ivo, you got some nice albinos there!:) Here are my guess from left to right:

Albino Snake,
Albino Golden,
Albino Cobalt/Turk,
Albino Turk,
Albino Golden/Alenquer

Keep up the nice work they all look gorgeous. :)


03-22-2008, 04:40 PM
Thank you Kenny. I wouldn't be able to guess them especially the ones you said cobalt/turk and golden/alenquer. I love my albinos and there are so many new strains coming out all the time...bit like mobile phone which i can never keep up. Thanks again for sorting out for me.

03-22-2008, 05:12 PM
a further note. another albino i would love to have is forrest's ARGD. last time when darren brought them in they were sold in a flash. hopefully next time i will be quick enough. others on my wish list is albino eruption and albino dickson gold. we here all wish we can get shipments like from jeffrey yang, forrest, wayne ng and tony tan, etc.

03-24-2008, 12:22 AM
Well there you go- its an albino snake. Like I said before, I've never seen one quite like it and i think its stunning