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03-24-2008, 05:06 PM
Hi Guys, (yay first post)

I am about to turn my 180G reef to a bare bottom discus tank. I tried discus way before internet was around (when I waS a wee little lad) and failed miserably. A reef bug bit me hard after college and after 8 years it's time for me to move on. so One day while thinking about what to do about the reef tank I came across a picture on the web of a Takashi Amano planted discus tank and I was taken away. I was planning to start a planted tank right from the start but in order to get a nice size discus for a planted tank it would have cost arm and a leg. So I decided to start a BB discus tank and grow out small juveniles to nice adult size and eventually move them to a planted tank.

So after some research I have the following questions:

1. I should shoot for 10-15 gallons per adult discus - how may juvis (2"-3") should I get 8~12?

2. Would it be ok with 50% water change every other day if I only get 8 juvis in a 180?

3. I know for Juvies you need to feed 5-6 times a day but would it be ok to feed in the morning, and use a auto feeder two times during the day and feed 1-2 times in the evening?

4. As discus grows do you feed less times during the day or do you keep the same schedule?

5. I have a 40W UV from my reef tank. Do you guys think I should use it on the discus tank?

6. What other fish should I put in the BB tank? I would like to keep a cleaner type fish in there but with temp being 84~86 what would be a good choice?

7. do you guys see a problem with a open top tank? I don't think discus are jumpers but would it make sense to put in a glass top? would it limit gas exchange too much?

8. planning to use a HOB filter with some sponge filters. any suggestions on the HOB filter?

Thanks for your input.

03-24-2008, 06:02 PM
1. I should shoot for 10-15 gallons per adult discus - how may juvis (2"-3") should I get 8~12?

I would go with 12 at that size, 180g is large enough to support that. any less fish and they might be shy and skittish.

2. Would it be ok with 50% water change every other day if I only get 8 juvis in a 180?

I think that is plenty of WC for your setup. just make sure you cycle your tank before you do introduce the discus.

3. I know for Juvies you need to feed 5-6 times a day but would it be ok to feed in the morning, and use a auto feeder two times during the day and feed 1-2 times in the evening?

That would be fine, just make sure your autofeeder is not putting out a ton of food.

4. As discus grows do you feed less times during the day or do you keep the same schedule?

I feed my adults 3-4 times a day. you don't have to, I just love to sit and watch them munch, they look so happy when they are eating.

5. I have a 40W UV from my reef tank. Do you guys think I should use it on the discus tank?

Sorry, never used UV on any of my discus tanks, so I don't know. Maybe someone else here can help you.

6. What other fish should I put in the BB tank? I would like to keep a cleaner type fish in there but with temp being 84~86 what would be a good choice?

I put 2 chinese algea eaters and 3 bushy nose plecos in my 100 gallon and they never bother the discus. Pretty at cleaning up the tank too.

7. do you guys see a problem with a open top tank? I don't think discus are jumpers but would it make sense to put in a glass top? would it limit gas exchange too much?

with open top, you will see lots of evaporation at these temperatures. And please don't take a chance that one of your babies do go flying out. Gas exchange should be OK if you don't cover 100% of the top. More than likely you will have cut-outs for tubes and such right. Wouldn't that be enough? I'm not an expert when it comes to planted tanks. I'm guessing CO2 is what you are considering. If not, then what gas?

8. planning to use a HOB filter with some sponge filters. any suggestions on the HOB filter?

for my large tank, i use 2 fluval 404's, and 2 sponge filters. they work great and the water is crystal clear.

hope some of this helps you. good luck.

Lee C
03-24-2008, 07:12 PM
lazy reefer,
87 to 88 is best for 2 inchers. Get a large number to increase aggression twards the feeding. I would advise the 2.5 inch plus size.
I use egg crate on the tops to out-gas and prevent jumps.


03-25-2008, 09:13 AM
I had my 72 gallon bowfront as an opentop and 2 200 watt heaters had trouble keeping it at 83, while those same two heaters are on 1/2 the time and my 125gallon is 84...........also I lost a pretty big brown to jumping..........I've seen a lot of open top discus tanks though, so it can be done, just be careful and get good heaters!

03-25-2008, 09:35 AM
lazy reefer,
87 to 88 is best for 2 inchers. Get a large number to increase aggression twards the feeding. I would advise the 2.5 inch plus size.
I use egg crate on the tops to out-gas and prevent jumps.


what size should the discus be to lower the temp back down to 84-85?

03-25-2008, 09:36 AM
I had my 72 gallon bowfront as an opentop and 2 200 watt heaters had trouble keeping it at 83, while those same two heaters are on 1/2 the time and my 125gallon is 84...........also I lost a pretty big brown to jumping..........I've seen a lot of open top discus tanks though, so it can be done, just be careful and get good heaters!

gotcha. I think I am going to go get a glass cover for the tank.

03-25-2008, 01:40 PM
DEFINITELY get a cover for your tank. Discus will dart and jump if startled and they will launch themselves right out of the tank. It's happened to me. :mad:

A group of 12-16 would be great for a tank that size with water changes every other day. You'll likely have some runts so you can cull or sell off the lower quality ones and keep the best 10-12.

Once they're full grown, I'd look into some nice driftwood, plants, sand, and a school of 100 or so Cardinals. :)

That would be one helluva nice setup. :)