View Full Version : Is this a worm? microscope pics

discus bob
03-25-2008, 07:49 PM
I was moving a Bushynose plec into my Discus tank after a 2 month quarantine when I noticed the fish had pooped in the transport container. After removing some with a pipette i made a few slides for the microscope. The samples where in the container for a few minutes so they could be somewhat contaminated.
There are several things I have not been able to I.D. yet. I am hoping some of you experts can help me out here.
There is some kind of reddish segmented worm that seems to be through out the fecal samples. It doesn't match Capillaria or any other that I can find.
Also what is the green thread thing? There a several of various sizes in the samples, almost looks plant like. None where moving.
There are a lot of shelled amoebas in there, is this normal for fecal smears?
I was using 400X

03-25-2008, 07:56 PM
Great pic...it's a type of algae...possibly cyanobacteria. The really green one is an algae. The rest are assorted ''critters'' ...diatoms, flagellates and alga's

discus bob
03-25-2008, 08:33 PM
Great pic...it's a type of algae...possibly cyanobacteria. The really green one is an algae. The rest are assorted ''critters'' ...diatoms, flagellates and alga's

I am puzzled. I can't figure out how this much algae got in a fecal smear. I immediately placed the samples in distilled water.
So I guess the smear looks clear for parasites?
Thanks Graham!

03-25-2008, 10:39 PM
This is probably a very bad an analogy but look at cows; they digest it twice... plant material is very hard to digest and to break down...that algae cells and cell strands made it through is not surprising.

Even humans don't digest and break down everything.........;)

You'll know a parasite when you see it...