View Full Version : OMG...Now What Do I Do?

shortcut mary
04-08-2008, 07:36 PM
Hello All...We have a 140 gallon community tank. One of our Discus "lil Eddie", injured himself. When I noticed it, white cottony stuff appeared. We continue to do water changes, add Vita Chem when it's time.

Our hospital tank just went on the blink{no fish in it}. We are setting up another. I want to treat Discus but am leary of treating the tank. LFS said to use Maracyn-Two. What should I do? I've been testing water daily...Yesterday Nitrite was 0.3, Nitrate 0,Ammonia 0. Today Nitrite 0.3, Nitrate 12.5 and Ammonia is 0. Husband did water change on Sunday. Our tank has been up for almost 3 years.

Sorry for the long post. I'm new{usually husband deals with it} to this and am very concerned. Thank You very much !

04-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Hi Mary...ideally catch the fish, swab the pec with some iodine cleaning away the dead tissue and the bacteria,,, being careful not to get any in the gills.

This maybe enough but a QT with prefect water and some Furan/Tetracycline or M2 in the water will clear it up


Edit buy a new nitrite test kit,,,an established tank should have 0.0ppm Nitrite, not 0.3ppm

04-09-2008, 12:29 AM
I see EGGS! Maybe he injured himself trying to keep the other fish away from the eggs. What other fish do you have in the tank with them? Thanks, Joe

shortcut mary
04-09-2008, 01:03 AM
Hi Joe. Saw the injury prior to eggs. They spawn quite often with no problems. Same fish. We have 3 Discus, 2 rosy barbs, rummies, neon, Red tail shark,algae eaters and 2 clown loaches.