View Full Version : i keep having this problem I dont know what it is nothing is helping please help me

04-10-2008, 02:02 AM
Anyway for the last month or so my discus keep growing this thing on their eye. I'm including pics so you can see. It's already killed one of my discus, as it eventually grew all over his eye and his eye literally popped. I don't have any clue what it is and the water changes haven't been helping. It keeps jumping around on my fish and even if it goes away on one fish it comes back to another. I've tried using Furan-2, melafix and just plain everyday water changes. I've tried using RO water (modified of course) or conditioned tap water, but it keeps coming back. I live in brooklyn ny and am offering some sort of reward to anybody who can help me because there are no fish vets and nothing has helped.



04-10-2008, 06:29 AM
Is the clouding on the inside or outside of the eye?

The fish looks dark in the photos does the body have a covering of anything?

You say the eye "popped" out, did it bulge first and then come out or did it just fall out? There are two different causes for this.....

04-10-2008, 10:19 AM
Its on the outside, and it grows fast. I woke up and its really coming out of his eye. Theres nothing really on his body just alot darker today. By his eye "popping" it was almost like a balloon, the thing had gotten worse on him then it like popped and there was nothing there. Any meds you reccomend I really need to try to buy something by today or he will be to far gone to save.

04-10-2008, 10:44 AM
Ok, given your description of the how the eye went would suggest an internal bacterial problem, however with the "stuff" growing on the outside that is a little inconsistent.

This is the time to remove it to a hospital tank if you have one. Treating in a planted tank is not great. Do you have a qt tank at all?

What is your maintenance routine on this tank btw? These issues are often vbrought on by poor water quality.

I would have the following meds on hand to treat this, Maracyn 1 and Maracyn 2. Salt (table salt, sea salt, rock salt) . FMG. Don't use all of these together though.

04-10-2008, 01:45 PM
I don't have a qt tank, but my tank isen't planted so I wouldn't mind dosing everyone because it keeps flickering around.

I take care of my tank as anyone with discus is suppose to, lots of water changes, always warm water lots of aeration, etc. It's pretty flawless which is why I don't understand whats going on. My water quality is not a problem. My parameters are as follows 86 F, 0 alk, 0ammonia/nitrite , 1 nitrate , hard 50, ph 6.0

The maracyn 1 or 2? Or both? I'm not that familiar with Maracyn but I just want something strong as this keeps lingering about my whole aquarium but only affecting my discus recently. Ialso think its probably bacterial as the Furan-2 did nothing and thats a fungal remedy.

04-10-2008, 03:47 PM
No disrespect intended but terms like lots don't mean a whole amount. To some lots is once a month and 10% to others lots is 200% per day. Ho-hum.

Use maracyn 1&2 together but I am still concerned that you say the cloudiness is on the outside of the eye. Dose as per the bottles.

04-10-2008, 03:54 PM
It use to be about 30% twice a week but since they've gotten sick I've done 40% changes either everyday or every other day.

What exactly is the maracyn used for specifically or is a wide range of stuff?

Also will it affect my biological filter?

04-10-2008, 04:44 PM
You might want to lose all that gravel as well ~ so many nasties gather under it ~ you have no clue!

With the problems you have been having, I would be doing 50% wc per day...no less ~ :)

04-10-2008, 05:55 PM
It use to be about 30% twice a week but since they've gotten sick I've done 40% changes either everyday or every other day.

What exactly is the maracyn used for specifically or is a wide range of stuff?

Also will it affect my biological filter?
40% every other day would be ok for a moderately stocked discus tank ime. If you do not have live plants I'd lose the gravel. If you feel you need something on the tank floor a thin layer of inert sand will be good.

Maracyn is basically erythromycin which is a fairly broad spectrum anti biotic for gram positive bacteria, maracyn 2 is basically Minocycline and is a broad spectrum anti biotic for gram negative bacteria. As I don't know for sure what your fish has this is a good combo to use. I would use it for a minimum of 10 consecutive days. Treat each day at full dose with a w/c of at least 33% in between. The packet will give different instructions to those above, they generally do not allow for w/c's in between. Discus need very clean water.

All antibiotic's can affect your bio filter. If you have used Furan 2 then it will almost certainly have knocked your filter.

04-10-2008, 11:56 PM
I agree,It sounds like a Bacterial Infection,have you tried raising your Water Temperature to 92 Degrees,and adding One Tablespoon of Salt for every Ten Gallons,it's a good all Purpose Cure.The Maracin sounds like a good idea to.

04-11-2008, 04:29 AM
""I would use it for a minimum of 10 consecutive days. Treat each day at full dose with a w/c of at least 33% in between. The packet will give different instructions to those above, they generally do not allow for w/c's in between. Discus need very clean water."

Perfect, remove carbon I assume? Just to be safe..I add the medicine in, then the next day late in the day I do the 33% water change then when finished add the medicine again. Everyday for ten days? Just to be completly straight on this.

To reply to the advice of raising my temp to 92 and salt, I tried that. I had it up to 88-90 regularly and added lots of salt. I think this is going to work though with the maracyn its some fresh advice and will give it a shot. I will keep you guys updates.

04-11-2008, 04:57 AM
I actually disagree with routinely raising temperature particularly when a bacterial infection is suspected. The bacteria will reproduce at an accelerated rate as well and can quite quickly overcome an already weakened fish. It is better imo to be cautious and keep temps moderate with 84f (29C) being the tops. I would not add salt either.

Yes to remove carbon, and if you are running any UV or ozone or other adsorptive media remove them too.

And yes to your understanding. Start by doing a w/c (if you can), add medicine 24 hrs later do another w/c and after this w/c add medicine. Do this for ten days. Good luck.

04-11-2008, 05:11 AM
Thank you so much for all your help, I appreciate it. I'll def give some updates, as this proceeds.

04-11-2008, 07:48 AM
I agree,It sounds like a Bacterial Infection,have you tried raising your Water Temperature to 92 Degrees,

Not a good idea to raise temps if bacterial infection is suspect....could make things much worse:(

04-11-2008, 06:47 PM
I lowered the temp, to about 84 now. And did a W/C and started the treatment, fingers crossed.

04-11-2008, 10:17 PM
Hmm I was watching all my discus carefully and noticed one of my guys has this yellowing on his body. Most is on and the rest is like peeling off or something. That part of the bacterial infection going on?

04-13-2008, 01:56 PM
Hmm I was watching all my discus carefully and noticed one of my guys has this yellowing on his body. Most is on and the rest is like peeling off or something. That part of the bacterial infection going on?I don't know. It may just be a reaction to the meds, but do keep watching closely.

04-13-2008, 02:58 PM
It went away, quick question though, is really cloudy water part of what the medication does?

04-14-2008, 03:12 PM
Yes many meds will cloud the water, some inhibit the bio filter so you can get mini blooms too. Always worth checking for ammonia.