View Full Version : How do you treat a community tank if you can't catch Discus?

shortcut mary
04-11-2008, 05:27 PM
Hi All...Husband is still out of town. Cannot catch lil eddie to treat in hospital tank. LFS guy that was supposed to help, flaked on me.

No other fish show signs of the bacterial/fungus that lil eddie has. What can I do to treat a planted community tank, if you can't catch the Discus? One guy they sent over was twirling around a net. I believe I read here to never use a net.

The one thing I can do is water changes. Water is testing fine.

Sorry for the long post. I'm stuck in Southern California. Suggestions please! Husband doesn't return until next week.
Thanks! Mary

04-14-2008, 03:17 PM
Hi Mary,

By all means use a net, just use one with a soft material. Some discus like blue diamonds mark easily but they are superficial.

04-15-2008, 03:38 PM
I have also used a large glass measuring cup. They sometimes dont even see it coming if I go slow enough. :) Just make sure you have a lid or something to put over it quickly because they can jump out! :)

04-16-2008, 12:02 PM
You could try this: Lower your water level to at least 50% or less [nab the lil guy when you do a water change], use a SOFT net to corral him into a corner--either net him or use a container to gently float him into.
I picked up three 3/4 gallon kids plastic sand buckets that work great for several chores aquatic besides catching discus in; [Like to schlep prefilters to be rinsed, into the kitchen, for example, and to dump plant debris into when I am pulling crappy leaves or whatnot out of the planted.]
Best regards

04-16-2008, 01:09 PM
I have also used a large glass measuring cup. They sometimes dont even see it coming if I go slow enough.

Great advice! I did that once and put a cube of fwb in it and they fell for it, swam right in, scooped them up!:D